1. #1
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    May 2011
    Colorado, USA

    OGL material for use in Fantasy Grounds

    Please use this sticky thread to upload (use the attachment functionality) Fantasy Grounds OGL material for 3.5e and Pathfinder.

    OGL material. The Open Gaming License (OGL) allows openly sharing any material that has been released under the OGL. This is limited to game mechanics: PC/NPC/Creature stat blocks, traps, spells, items, feats, abilities, etc..

    The OGL does not allow sharing of literary content (story-lines, location descriptions, background text, etc.) nor artwork (maps, creature art, etc.).

    So, if you're willing to share any OGL material you have entered into Fantasy Grounds please do so here. Use the "Module Export" functionality - described here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/wiki/...#Module_Export Select Personalities, Encounters, Items, Parcels and Tables (if these contain OGL material). Do not include Story or Images & Maps as these are more than likely copyright protected, non-OGL material.

    You'll need to ZIP your .mod module file in order to be able to attach it to this thread.

    Including any non-OGL material will result in the whole module being removed.

    When attaching your module please include info on what is in the module - NPCs, Traps, Items, encounters, packages, etc.. Thanks.

    Reminder: There are already a number of OGL data/library modules produced by the community available here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forum...ist-of-Modules

    3.5e SRD (System Reference Document) and OGL ("Legal Information") available here: https://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=d20/article/srd35

    Pathfinder Open Gaming License (OGL) available here: https://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/...meLicense.html
    Last edited by Trenloe; October 24th, 2014 at 22:28.
    Private Messages: My inbox is forever filling up with PMs. Please don't send me PMs unless they are actually private/personal messages. General FG questions should be asked in the forums - don't be afraid, the FG community don't bite and you're giving everyone the chance to respond and learn!

  2. #2
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    May 2011
    Colorado, USA
    Placeholder 1
    Private Messages: My inbox is forever filling up with PMs. Please don't send me PMs unless they are actually private/personal messages. General FG questions should be asked in the forums - don't be afraid, the FG community don't bite and you're giving everyone the chance to respond and learn!

  3. #3
    Trenloe's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Colorado, USA
    Placeholder 2
    Private Messages: My inbox is forever filling up with PMs. Please don't send me PMs unless they are actually private/personal messages. General FG questions should be asked in the forums - don't be afraid, the FG community don't bite and you're giving everyone the chance to respond and learn!

  4. #4

    Burnt Offerings NPCs - Pathfinder

    Here are the NPCs from the first chapter of Rise of the Runelords, Burnt Offerings, complete up to the top level of Thistletop. You'll need to change the .zip extension back to .mod and put it into your Modules FG folder.
    Last edited by Trenloe; October 26th, 2014 at 17:26.

  5. #5
    Updated 11-4-2014

    Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition PF01 - PF06 - Completed
    All NPCs, Encounters, and Parcels

    Currently working on:

    Skull & Shackles PF55 - PF60
    Wormwood Mutiny
    Raiders of the Fever Sea
    Tempest Rising
    Island of Empty Eyes
    The Price of Infamy
    From Hell's Heart

    A Note on Parcels:

    I like to make a parcel per creature. for example for a goblin I will make one entry with all the goblin equipment. this makes it easier to add or subtract goblins from the encounter without having to mess with parcels. Once the encounter is done I will drag the parcel into the Inventory slot multiple times (depending on the amount of goblins).

    A Note on Encounters:

    Works best with RTFallens Auto XP Calculator https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forum...28Extension%29.
    Also in regards to Tokens: simply drag a token over pic to the left of the entry in the Encounter to add the token before adding them to Combat Tracker or placing them on the Map.

    To use:

    Unzip file into modules folder
    Last edited by Trashkicker; November 4th, 2014 at 22:28.

  6. #6
    sorry the RotRl are taking much longer then i thought they would. I realized while looking through them that most of the NPC's were made before we had the PFRPG rules implemented and using 3.5 rules. So I've had to do allot of reworking to make these usable, there may be some errors in them if so let me know and I'll fix. (best way to know if I missed one is check the senses area. if in place of perception you have sense or listen it will need to be replaced)

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Leeds, Yorkshire, UK
    Great! Many thanks.

  8. #8
    Holy poop! You are some kind of mad genius! THANK YOU!.

    We just started the Skinsaw Murders when I decided to give FG a try. Just having all this info available will make me buy the Ultimate License, if my players like FG.

  9. #9
    Sorry to necro this, trashkicker. Have you finished skulls and shakles?

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