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    New D100 based Ruleset extension for D00lite - Where to start?

    Hi all,

    I have bough FG a long while ago but abandoned it for Roll20 because it includes Google Hangout functionallity. But it simply can´t hold a candle to FG when it comes to easy of use, specially for the players. However it really suffers from the difficulty when you want to set up a Ruleset that is not mainstream enough to be already available. Hence I fear I will have to dig in myself if I ever want to play my favorite system in this fantastic tool. Anyway, the Ruleset in question is D00lite from .

    My Goal would be:

    • Character Sheet
    • Dice Mechanic
    • Equipment Lists
    • New Graphics

    I think this is the most basic thing to be able to run it. However automation which is the strong suit of FG, is propably out for me due to lack of skill. The problem is that I can neither do JS nor Lua and If I try to read the code my head spins. I wager this will be quiet a challenge! Where to start? Are there any suggested tutorials or any software one needs to get started? Besides Notepad++?

    The game is published under Creative Commons and the peeps are very open to do with it whatever one wants, I am positive they would sign of on anything if one would try to do this. However this is primarily for my own enjoyment and use and not public consumption. Simpyl because it would be a crappy implementation propably.

    The rules mechanic itself is not complicated

    » If you are instructed to roll 2D, then you simply roll two dice and add them together. Note that a roll of “0” is 10, not zero.
    » If the “D” is followed by “/2” then it means you divide the roll in half (round up). For instance, if you are instructed to roll 1D/2 then you roll one ten-sided die and divide in half. The expected range for a D/2 roll is 1-5 (1/2 rounded up is 1, while 9/2 is 5).
    » If you are asked to roll D00 (“percentile dice”), roll two different colored dice. The darker die is the tens digit, the lighter die is the ones digit. For instance, roll a 4 on the darker-die and a 2 on the lighter-die, you’ve rolled 42. Important: a roll of two zeros is a roll of 0%, not 100% as in some game systems. Therefore, D00 is a random roll between 00 and 99.
    I have started to look into the WIKI but most is pretty greek to me, I wager I need to start somewhere else before diving into a Ruleset. Any and all help is really appreciated.
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  2. #2
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    I'd start by seeing how far you can get adding statistics/abilities to the free form character sheet in the CoreRPG ruleset. You can drag dice to the entries on the first tab and it has an inventory built in.
    Private Messages: My inbox is forever filling up with PMs. Please don't send me PMs unless they are actually private/personal messages. General FG questions should be asked in the forums - don't be afraid, the FG community don't bite and you're giving everyone the chance to respond and learn!

  3. #3

  4. #4
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    As an example, you can make the end result work the same by using the following:

    d00lite dice Result range FG equivalent to produce same result
    D00 0 - 99 1d100 - 1
    1D 0 - 9 1d10 - 1
    1D/2 1 - 5 /die 1d5
    2D 0 - 18 2d10 - 2
    2D+2 2 - 20 2d10

    Here are some examples in the CoreRPG character sheet:

    The problem is the 1D/2. This can be written as /die 1d5 which results in a random number generator returning 1-5 - as can be seen in the screenshot this has been added as a shortcut key at the bottom of the screen as it cannot be dragged to the CoreRPG dice slot on the character sheet.
    Private Messages: My inbox is forever filling up with PMs. Please don't send me PMs unless they are actually private/personal messages. General FG questions should be asked in the forums - don't be afraid, the FG community don't bite and you're giving everyone the chance to respond and learn!

  5. #5
    Hello Trenloe, thank you very much for these, they do help. It is only the d100 that acts as a d100-1, all others normally, so that should not be such a big of a problem.

    However while Core RPG is fine to get a game going quickly it does not fulfill my personal needs. If CoreRPG was all I would be using I would stick with Roll20 as creating Roll macros etc in there is a lot easier. Even some rudimentary Character sheets are easily done with their newest release. I am already farther in Roll20 then what I would be with CoreRPG only. The primary reason I am considering FG again is the fact that I can automate a lot of things and prepare most of the stuff for my players already so they can just hop in and play. I want to be able to have them fill out their Character sheet and when they roll add their modifiers and the Chatwindow telling us if it succeeded or not. I want them to be able to drag their weapon to their weapon tab and have it work from there etc. Maybe I am doing it wrong. I have been watching the CoreRPG video and while the functionality is nice its just not quiet there with Roll20 ease of use I fear. For example, I can create a character sheet in FG but I cant figure out a way to copy it so I do not have to repeat each and every step for every NPC. Well, this sounds more ranty then it is meant to be. I want to learn and I am willing to put in the effort I am stuck on where to start though. I pop in SW Module and I am always blown away on how cool it is. I know I wont be THAT good, but some of this stuff should be doable.

    @Damned I did actually back that already, however with this big goal and the niche of FG this wont gain much traction I fear. There are not so many GM around willing to create their own rule sets. And since the most popular are already available I would be surprised if he reaches 100 Backers by the end of the campaign at most. :-/


    I just saw the d10 to 0-9 thread and was thinking, would this not work for my needs as well where I need 0-99? While d100-1 gets the same results it looks ugly in the chat window. Something like this?

    -- Code to change 100 rolled on a d100 to a 0
    	for k,v in ipairs (rRoll.aDice) do
    		--Debug.console("Index = " .. k .. ", type = " .. v.type .. ", result = " .. v.result);
    		if v.type == "d100" and v.result == 100 then
    			rRoll.aDice[k].result = 0;
    Bit afraid to simply add it somewhere to try and destroying the BasicRPG Ruleset with it.
    Last edited by ImaTarget; May 29th, 2014 at 19:52.
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  6. #6
    damned's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ImaTarget View Post
    @Damned I did actually back that already, however with this big goal and the niche of FG this wont gain much traction I fear. There are not so many GM around willing to create their own rule sets. And since the most popular are already available I would be surprised if he reaches 100 Backers by the end of the campaign at most. :-/
    Sadly I dont think we will get near the target either.
    It has received 300 votes over on the FG wishlist so there is definitely interest in the concept.
    There are currently about 50 backers at an average of €50each

    I want to get the word out there as widely as possible and see how high we can get so at least it can be re-evaluated and Psicodelix can decide whether or not to repitch at a lower value or if the interest is just not there for a commercial add-on...

    Thanks or supporting the project!


  7. #7
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ImaTarget View Post
    Bit afraid to simply add it somewhere to try and destroying the BasicRPG Ruleset with it.
    Make a copy of the ruleset and do development against the copy.

    More info on starting ruleset development here:
    Private Messages: My inbox is forever filling up with PMs. Please don't send me PMs unless they are actually private/personal messages. General FG questions should be asked in the forums - don't be afraid, the FG community don't bite and you're giving everyone the chance to respond and learn!

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    ImaTarget (or anyone else), I'm curious because I've seen this comment before that RollD20 has easier to make macros than FG. I've always thought FG macros were trivial to make - just drag some die or an expression to the hotkey bar. I like to keep an eye on all the different VTTs but I didn't see anything special about their macros. What makes them better than FG? Do they auto compare to other values? List better? Are integrated into the character sheet?

  9. #9

  10. #10
    @Trenloe Duh of course, extract it, rename it and fiddle around in there. Sometimes I wonder how I survived until now, Thanks!

    @Griogre I play a lot of MMO`s and am familiar with writing macros that way. In Roll20 I click on a Macro button, and editor window opens, I type in the roll macro save it and done. In FG it is more "Opaque" as It probably works the same but the documentation in that regard is lacking and it is not that clear to see how to put it in. At least for me. I am a total newb and creating a diceroll macro with a simple modifier is easy enough. But as soon as I want to have a roll compare to something else or reference an attribute or anything I need to dig into LUA and XML, in Roll20 I do not. Heck the simple functionality of "Popoup" to ask for a modifier is brilliant in Roll20. Pop up asks you what dice to roll asks you for a modifier on the roll and then you can add in the difficulty it rolls and shows you success or not. There is no programming necessary, just a simple macro. Maybe this is not as hard in FG as I think it is, but it sure seems that as soon as I want to get a tiny bit fancy I have to delve into the depth of XML and LUA. Roll20 Macros are far easier to understand for a layman as myself then digging into any FG ruleset. It may be as easy in FG as well but it does not show me how to do it . That is probably because FG wants to sell the ready made rulesets, and that is fine, however it creates an unnecessary barrier for anyone not playing a mainstream system. Sorry, this was a lot longer then I anticipated. I still like FG better, that is why I am here trying to figure out what I need to do to get it working like I want it to. The CoreRPG Ruleset is a big step in the right direction, and with a custom Character sheet will probably work perfectly for most of my needs.
    Last edited by ImaTarget; May 31st, 2014 at 11:52.
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