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Thread: Roll20 Update?

  1. #11
    Mask_of_winter's Avatar
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    Hopefully, Smiteworks will put some of that new Steam generated revenue to good use. Some of the things I felt should have been done a long time ago we're starting to see now. I believe the interface needs to become more user friendly to attract and retain new license holders. I'm reading the threads over on Steam and also the ones over here. The ruleset wizard should have been a priority from the get go. Give this tool to us 3 or 4 years ago and the number of products available in the store would be 100 times what it currently is. Two men can only do so much, I get that. However, like I said, with the Steam generated revenue it should be possible to do to more. The streamlining already begun with the latest FG 3 release and the CoreRPG, now let's take it to the next level. Give us a lobby, put together a demo team (I'm willing to be part of it), give us a way to customize our content, and like I said make it more user friendly. Tutorial videos are great but not everybody wants to spend hours watching them.

    I'm a strong FG ground supporter, spent hundreds of dollars on it and want it to remain healthy. So this was my two cents on it.
    Writer for Just Insert Imagination and co-host of the Wild Die Podcast.
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  2. #12
    ddavison's Avatar
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    The big change is that it allowed me to take a gamble and walk away from a very lucrative corporate job so I could devote full time to SmiteWorks. Up until recently, Fantasy Grounds work was relegated to evenings and weekends and mixed in among family obligations. This meant the a large part of my time went simply to customer service requests, QA and deployment for community developments, accounting and other less than fun or exciting activities. Thankfully, Moon_Wizard has been able to focus much more attention on it and has been able to release a lot of different improvements to the core offerings and many of the rulesets.

    Now, we are still limited to what two people can do but hopefully we can make a little better headway on the areas that you and others have mentioned.

  3. #13
    damned's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ddavison View Post
    There is some definite competition out there. We will keep trying to provide what we feel is the best mix of features and content for the cost. It seems like new competition pops up a couple time a year. Most of them fade away after a promising start, but Roll20 is here to stay for now.
    yerp - rol20 is not going to go away!

  4. #14
    leozelig's Avatar
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    If you are willing to pay for a vtt, fantasy grounds is really the way to go. Puppies aside, I suspected as much from the roll20 feature list, if you can call it that.

    And if you don't immediately disable the 3d dice roller in that app, then you have not seen it done right! I actually roll my own dice with roll20 (honor system) because entering some numbers and clicking a button isn't a whole lot of fun either... Even just a character sheet builder for fg would be great though - CoreRPG sorts alphabetically in a list, so creating fields for ability scores really doesn't work well. If I knew anything about coding, this might be an easy fix.

  5. #15
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by leozelig View Post
    Even just a character sheet builder for fg would be great though - CoreRPG sorts alphabetically in a list, so creating fields for ability scores really doesn't work well. If I knew anything about coding, this might be an easy fix.
    There are a few improvements to the CoreRPG character sheet in 3.0.4, including attribute/skill grouping in the main tab.

    Also, you can always put a number in front of an attribute to control ordering if you don't want alphabetical lists.
    Private Messages: My inbox is forever filling up with PMs. Please don't send me PMs unless they are actually private/personal messages. General FG questions should be asked in the forums - don't be afraid, the FG community don't bite and you're giving everyone the chance to respond and learn!

  6. #16
    damned's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by leozelig View Post
    Even just a character sheet builder for fg would be great though - CoreRPG sorts alphabetically in a list, so creating fields for ability scores really doesn't work well. If I knew anything about coding, this might be an easy fix.
    cue the predictable response...

    Check out this cool project! https://www.verkami.com/projects/799...antasy-grounds

  7. #17
    I am a backer for TableTop Connect and have talked to Carl numerous times. It does look great and being able to create a map in minutes will be nice. Also the 3D figures and dynamic lighting are very nice features. I've never looked at Roll20 but did spend some time with d20Pro before settling on FG.

    The main advantage to FG for me is the fact that the rules are supported with in game documentation. d20Pro didn't have it and TTC isn't going to either. They are platforms for having a character sheet, map and rolling dice. As a GM much of the prep work still has to be done outside the game.

    I like that I can sit down, open FG, put together an entire gaming sessions worth of material and NEVER open a book on my desk or make a note on a piece of paper for later. Everything is in FG!!!! AND everything needed to run the game is in the program like effects and easily managed.

    I may have missed some functionality of other programs, and if so I hope someone can tell me what I have missed and why it would be better than FG...

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