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  1. #11

    Join Date
    Dec 2004

    First game...

    We had the first game in Dragonhome this past Monday night. All in all it went well after overcoming some tech issues (my software kept crashing on a tavern map. A reinstall of the software fixed it).

    Our soon to be hero's lead by hafling sea captain Jik Raven find them selfs on an island that looks to be preparing for war. Lots of activity in the docks of ships unloading supplies but not much is being loaded. We also saw 100 armored hobgoblin mercenaries disembark and march off.

    We've established ourselves in an inn (the Y Knot) and will probably make futher forrays into the town next Monday.

    Its a fair sized town with a large keep/fort. Also on the island is a dragon that is the offspring of the 'master' dragon that rules these lands. The 'master' is a ancient gold dragon and the offspring is a gold/green dragon.

    Other then the hobgoblins the island seems to be exclusively human. Apparently past troubles have been with Orks and Elves.

    Thanks to Jeff for running the game.


  2. #12

    Join Date
    Dec 2004

    Game time...

    Oh.. the Games are set for Monday nights at 8 PM Central right now for those that want to join up. The hope is to get enough players to to form multipule groups on different days/times.


  3. #13

    Asia-Pacific Group starting up

    We've recruited a DM that will do games in the Asia-Pacific timezone.

    If you're interested in joining up, please join our Yahoo group and talk to the DM there.

    We are still seeking a European DM. If you're interested, please contact me.

    Jeff Pawlowski

  4. #14

    Join Date
    Dec 2004

    2nd Game

    Starts up the day after the last one. It finds our heroes waking from a nights stay at the Y Knot Tavern. While smells of ham drift up from the common room downstairs Captain Jik and Grond (Hobgoblin Sorcerer) can hear voices outside their window. A look out and some inquires reveal that 3 farms were killed at a very small village (a 'thorp') about a day and a half away from town. This really not being any of Jik's business he heads down for food.

    A short time later a town guard enters looking for the 'adventures' that are staying there. The town is stretched thin on man power and wants someone to go and investigate the happenings at the village. Jik is convinced to go by the promise of 2 platinum pieces to add to the 'Buy Jik a New Boat' fund. Grond is bored and is looking for something to do.

    A day and a half walk there brings them to the village, which looks deserted, on a foggy late morning. Polly (Jik's raven familiar) warns of something in the first house. Moving closer they are told to go away by voices inside. Pleas/demands to answer questions are refused. Since the door is unlocked Jik prepares to enter but is knocked back by the horrible stench coming from the hut as is Grond when he looks in.

    Steeling their nerves Grond enters and is attached by a Ghoul.. and soon a Ghast and another Ghoul as well. By dint of arms (Jik's) and spells (Grind's) the undead are defeated but the farmer's wife is slain as well.

    Getting the story from the farmer and other villagers the Ghouls were the farmer's sons who were swept away in accident by a river. After much praying from the husband and wife they returned... as ghouls with a new friend the ghast. The husband and wife harbored the undead in their house during which time they went out and killed the other farmer family.

    The villagers quickly burnt the hut to the ground. The surviving farmer was tied up and brought back to town with the conquering heroes, as much for his own safety as to answer for his deeds.

    The game ended with the 3 some entering town after a 3 day journey back.


    I thought the combat went well after some initial fumbling. I'd say combat was about as quick as it would be around a table if not faster. The rest of the game still seems to be much slower paced but this is probably mostly my fault for 'playing' too much. All in all a fun time.

  5. #15


    I tried the D20books link and it didn't seem to exist.....umm....anybody ?

  6. #16

    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    It kind of died.... there was only 2 of us showing up for the games and d20 has moved on to other things (selling minitures if you are interested...).


  7. #17
    always intrested in miniatures....

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