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Thread: Roll20 Update?

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    Mask_of_winter's Avatar
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    Roll20 Update?

    FG will no longer be the only VTT that offers a robust character sheet.
    Writer for Just Insert Imagination and co-host of the Wild Die Podcast.
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  3. #3
    Valarian's Avatar
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    Might actually be worth looking at for roleplaying if they have a character sheet. To me it's a must-have, a basic necessity. I can't believe they initially discounted it, but all too many players seem to put a huge emphasis on map, and map functions (like dynamic lighting). Great for board or miniature games, but not roleplaying ones. Wonder if it'll be "free", backer or subscription level functionality. As a backer, I seem to be getting less of a return on my investment. I get library content (battlemaps, tokens, etc.), but only the free level functionality in the tool.
    Using Ultimate license - that means anyone can play.
    Valarian's Fantasy Grounds Rulesets

  4. #4
    Zeus's Avatar
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    TabletopConnect is also developing along very nicely, recent alpha updates have included full customisable character sheets (with field linking if required), turn management, chat and inline video chat, and a very funky 3D/2D map system complete with 3D minis and a full in-game map/level editor. The latest build has expanded the 3D asset pool to include, dungeons, caves and burrows. For software thats still in alpha (beta should drop soon), I am very impressed with the versatility and flexibility this VTT offers.

    The nicest thing about TabletopConnect is its ability to fade into the background when your using it to host RPG sessions, it has an incredibly low overhead for getting a game up and running and because it doesn't try to boil the ocean with automation, its very easy to prepare pretty much any tabletop game. e.g. adding a new char sheet is as simple as loading it into the software and then adding your fields - took all of 15mins to prepare a new D&D 5E character sheet.
    FG Project Development
    Next Project(s)*: Starfinder v1.2 Starship Combat

    Current Project:
    Starfinder v1.1 - Character Starships
    Completed Projects: Starfinder Ruleset v1.0, Starfinder Core Rulebook, Alien Archive, Paizo Pathfinder Official Theme, D&D 5E data updates
    * All fluid by nature and therefore subject to change.

  5. #5
    ddavison's Avatar
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    TableTopConnect has some very innovative approaches to VTT design and is built in Unity already -- a direction we are still trying to move into. The easy way of laying out rooms in the map building tool are especially nice. Roll20's inclusion of character sheets is interesting and will ultimately give them the ability to check a box on a feature list -- even if it isn't well done. It reminds me a little of how they have 3D dice but how people may have tried the Roll20 version before deciding they didn't really need them. It would be nice if they tried out the FG version first.

    There is some definite competition out there. We will keep trying to provide what we feel is the best mix of features and content for the cost. It seems like new competition pops up a couple time a year. Most of them fade away after a promising start, but Roll20 is here to stay for now.

  6. #6

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    I thought Realmworks would help me make more detailed worlds. But I feel like everyone that shouts "FG is so confusing to use" should be shown that programme... But as most others I do support other VTT's. I simply think it is a good thing to encourage development and have options available.

    Realmworks actually wrote to me, because they could see I hadn't touched it for months since early beta. I simply replied I wanted to look at it and wanted to support it. Would look at it when it was done, but didn't think it was something that I would need. But what works for me may not work for others and vice versa. Options are a good thing I believe, and I am willing to support that with my money. Sparse as they are.

    The ease with which I can create notes and link story elements together and the fact that I can reskin FG to my hearts content, makes me love this and works for most of my gaming needs. But you know, there might be something that needs another program. As I have mentioned before I use Roll20 for Castle Falkenstein, but the campaign.... I keep that is contained within FG.

    I really dislike the diceroller in Roll20 too. It takes aaaaaaaages. But I must admit the character sheets intrigue me. Simply because I think I saw an image of a 3rd edtion Exalted character sheet. I can't wait for that version to be released (it keeps getting pushed back... damn you Onyx Path!). But I doubt there will be a ruleset for the new version of Exalted anytime soon in FG - considering the non-support of the old rulesets for the previous editions. But you know what.. that really doesn't matter. CoreRPG can actually handle that just fine, if need be.

    Vires Animi

    EDIT: I can see I should look at Tabletop Connect again. My gaming group isn't that into moving figures and rolling a lot of dice in combat and calling it roleplaying. We are old geezers that call such thing RollPlay. *Grins*
    Last edited by viresanimi; May 21st, 2014 at 18:42.

  7. #7
    Valarian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by viresanimi View Post
    I thought Realmworks would help me make more detailed worlds. But I feel like everyone that shouts "FG is so confusing to use" should be shown that programme... But as most others I do support other VTT's. I simply think it is a good thing to encourage development and have options available.

    Realmworks actually wrote to me, because they could see I hadn't touched it for months since early beta. I simply replied I wanted to look at it and wanted to support it. Would look at it when it was done, but didn't think it was something that I would need. But what works for me may not work for others and vice versa. Options are a good thing I believe, and I am willing to support that with my money. Sparse as they are.
    I actually like RealmWorks. It's detailed, and will be better for players once there's the web front end, but you can build up. You can create a detailed game world, with NPCs and their relationships/drives, then bring what you need in for your story. I think that there's a lot of possibility there for campaign planning if you wish to spend the time.

    EDIT: I can see I should look at Tabletop Connect again. My gaming group isn't that into moving figures and rolling a lot of dice in combat and calling it roleplaying. We are old geezers that call such thing RollPlay. *Grins*
    Tabletop Connect looks great, but all the work is again on the map and minis. Carl's not yet done that much work on the character sheet. I'm hoping that this gets a look before release, especially the multi-tab sheet and landscape formatting.

    I think Will Hindmarch & Jeff Tidball in "Things we think about games" say it best:
    Quote Originally Posted by Number 006. Identify what you're playing:
    A board game is a game with a board.
    A card game is a game with cards, but without a board. (If a game has both a board and cards, it's a board game.)
    A miniatures game is played with figures that are representational, and non-abstract, and to scale with each other. It's played on a surface that also has a uniform scale, although the figures need not be - and usually aren't - to scale with the surface. This surface is not what any sane person would think of as a "board".
    A tabletop roleplaying game is a pastime that generates a narrative. Very few roleplaying games are actually games, because no one wins, so it's more accurate to think of them as toys. A roleplaying game that requires a board, or cards, or miniatures on a surface, is suspect in its definition.
    Using Ultimate license - that means anyone can play.
    Valarian's Fantasy Grounds Rulesets

  8. #8
    ddavison's Avatar
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    Doug, are you playing with your toys again?

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Valarian View Post
    As a backer, I seem to be getting less of a return on my investment. I get library content (battlemaps, tokens, etc.), but only the free level functionality in the tool.
    Wait. A. Minute.

    You're telling me you backed them when they had nothing and you STILL have to pay subscriptions? I already considered them the spawn of the 666th level of greed hell, but now I know they tortured their own puppies to get their title.

    Quote Originally Posted by viresanimi View Post
    My gaming group isn't that into moving figures and rolling a lot of dice in combat and calling it roleplaying. We are old geezers that call such thing RollPlay. *Grins*
    Well as a fellow old geezer, I call that a closed mind; a terrible affliction that tends to happen to old people that forget how fun youth was. *Grins*

    Quote Originally Posted by ddavison View Post
    Roll20's inclusion of character sheets is interesting and will ultimately give them the ability to check a box on a feature list -- even if it isn't well done.
    I'm not going to reply with 'LOL', but that's what I did.

    I remember when Doug was going to buy out the company from the Finns, Oh Crap I thought, now what's going to happen? I grit my teeth and watched with trepidation. The deal was struck, and we moved on. Still I thought, when's the other shoe going to drop? Then it did...

    Doug had the unmitigated gall to actually improve the product. He gave us more ways to both support the company, (without stealing from us) and provide games for our friends still on the fence about this weird online tabletop stuff. Then he really showed his true colors when he asked Moon Wizard to stop making his 4E_JPG mod... and start working for the company. That was the last straw... Doug was a good guy! Who would have thought?!? This company has only improved since then. I've tried plenty of other rulesets... I've had my eye turned by that sexy but emotionally broken maptool girl and her big light sources and tight little independent player PoV's, but I kept coming back to FG and the real deal. (and no, that Roll20 gold digger skank doesn't measure up even if she bought big fake light sources and a tight little independent player PoV's with all the money she's stolen from her hapless boy toys)

    Look, it's not just about the features... It's about who gets the money you spend. Are they going to use it to buy little puppy thumb screws to hurt their own pets like that skank's pimps do? Or are they going to donate it to help research the tastier taco, and back house cleaning robots that have all the rules to every RPG and have a tabletop player slider that stretches from 'Most boringly verbose Mary Sue roleplay snob' to 'Unibrow beer swilling combat monster munchkin'... Seriously? Who are you going to support?

  10. #10
    ddavison's Avatar
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    I'm not going to reply with 'LOL', but that's what I did.

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