FG Spreadshirt Swag
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  1. #11

    Any update on modules for sale?

    Has any progress been made?

  2. #12
    We are about half way through converting our second mini adventure.

    New baby has made a mockery of my schedules :-)

  3. #13
    I´m now close to buying Fantasy Grounds, if enough players are present in the GMT+1 timezone (I did see a few europeans around on the board). I do visit RPGnow quite regularly since I have my own shop there as well, and I´d be buying UKG adventures for FG as well. These mini adventures would do well around the US$2-3 pricerange I reckon.

    Great work (by just looking at the XML since I only have the demo of FG so far)
    Hardmoon - music for your gaming sessions

  4. #14

    Join Date
    Dec 2004

    I'm trying to add as much downloadable material on adventuresomedreams.com (a one shop stop!) as I can. Can we host your free module or not? I'll put this as the descripton:

    "A free module from UKGPublishing. They also sell some FG modules at great prices at www.rpgnow.com."

    I tried to host it as a link to the file but its not letting me do that.

    No problems if you're rather we didn't. I'll still buy your stuff!


  5. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by richvalle

    I'm trying to add as much downloadable material on adventuresomedreams.com (a one shop stop!) as I can. Can we host your free module or not? I'll put this as the descripton:

    "A free module from UKGPublishing. They also sell some FG modules at great prices at www.rpgnow.com."

    I tried to host it as a link to the file but its not letting me do that.

    No problems if you're rather we didn't. I'll still buy your stuff!

    By all means host a copy of the free adventure.
    John Milner
    UKG Publishing


  6. #16
    FG looks great, but when I go to your store finding stuff for FG is impossible, let alone finding the "free" sample.

    Can you help with some tips on how to navigate your site for Fantasy Grounds adventures..........thanks in advance

  7. #17
    Nice look adventure, one little note:

    The Dragon is missing all of it's combat information.

    Not that you should need it, unless the adventures want a really quick game :shock:

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