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  1. #11

    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Vendsyssel (Denmark)
    I have a request.

    I often make modules for adventures, and all sorts of things I want to share with my players. Since I have no clue about coding, I use the /export function and it is all good.

    Except I end up getting a lot of extra taps under my Story and Images at the bottom, which I find slightly annoying.

    Is it possible to make a function within the export settings to turn that off?

    Best Regards

    Vires Animi

  2. #12
    viresanimi, I made a tutorial at one point about how to stop that from happening. I am on my way out the door right this second, but I will post a new tutorial ASAP.

    Here you go. Started a new thread as to not hijack this one.
    Last edited by unerwünscht; December 25th, 2012 at 23:10.

  3. #13

    There is no good way to specify a defense against specific attack types.

    What I do in my campaign is that I make an effect with a "single" application option, and then it automatically disappears when it is applied the first time.


  4. #14

    • [3.5E/4E] Quick delete button added to combat tracker entries when NPC wounds greater than hit points.
    • [CHAR CONVERT] Error message during and after import for some DDI character files. Fixed.
    • Dice capture and roll region incorrect, if chat window not dynamically resizable. Fixed.

    Last edited by Moon Wizard; December 26th, 2012 at 23:22.

  5. #15

    Token highlights

    A feature I would like to see introduced is one where monster identification is more apparent.

    To clarify, I sometimes have difficulty seeing which monster's turn it is because the highlight around the token blends in with some of my background maps. Maybe a switch colour option for the highlight could be added, or the token connected to the CT could perhaps flash (on the GM's screen) while it's that monsters turn?

    Not too sure how difficult this would be to implement, but it's a suggestion.
    Last edited by Booker Grimm; December 28th, 2012 at 11:44.

  6. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Booker Grimm
    A feature I would like to see introduced is one where monster identification is more apparent.

    To clarify, I sometimes have difficulty seeing which monster's turn it is because the highlight around the token blends in with some of my background maps. Maybe a switch colour option for the highlight could be added, or the token connected to the CT could perhaps flash (on the GM's screen) while it's that monsters turn?

    Not to sure how difficult this would be to implement, but it's a suggestion.
    Might I ask, How do you handle this in a Face to Face game?

  7. #17
    Well, with my group we run the game on a monitor connected to a laptop. So I have the GM screen on my laptop and the monitor displays the PC's connection.

    At the moment I enter the damage dealt by the PC's manually. But it can take time finding the correct entry in the CT. Also quickly identifying which monster is currently attacking on the map screen (especially if there are a lot of them!) takes a bit of time.

    If, on the monster's turn the token would flash, or the highlight was not so subtle then it would be easier.

    Maybe it's the tokens and the zoomed out map I'm using or, more likely, the fact that the PC's are currently fighting about 20 goblins!

    I've overcome this by clicking the visibility icon next to they token pic in the CT, and this helps, but it's not ideal.

  8. #18
    Sorry, my question should have been 'how did you handle it before FGII'.

    I find that to be the best question to ask anytime I come up with a feature request or improvement. XXX Feature doesn't work the way I think it should. Well how would I do this in a game without FGII? Oh it would be cool if FG did it this way.... Then I suggest it and half the time most of the community agrees with me. The other half of the time everyone thinks I am mental

  9. #19

    I use the auto NPC numbering option in the campaign options, then turn on NPC name plates. It helps identification of creatures between the map and combat tracker.

    Another thing you can do is to click on the token image in the combat tracker which will toggle the "active" highlight on the connected token.

    I also believe there is a feature request on the wish list for more color options on the "active" circle shown around icons. You can vote by following link in my sig.


  10. #20

    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    When I can't tell what monster is active as a GM I size it up to double and then drop it back down to normal size once I see it. That might be one way of showing the active monster - having it jump to double normal size and then rescale to normal in fast increments as an option.

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