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Thread: FRP Extension

  1. #21
    Ardem's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dakadin
    A couple questions:

    Can the skills be dragged to the character sheet or is that a manual process?

    When using the XP tab, does it slow you down at all filling in the information?

    Do you have plans for more changes?
    Skills can be from the Skill Category, not from the adolsence table, what I do there is I bring both windows up and drag from the skill category.

    It automaticly creates a group with the same name, if I need a specialisation I grab the same skill category drop it in double click to open it and drag the name from the adoslence table and change it from ctg to std.

    Future wise I want to make a complete category and specialisation table it would be huge but people can have the choice how they wish to drag and drop.


    Well I get the players to fill in the criticals and static and moving manuvuers and successful spells. Anything I do is after the session. Note the players character XP sheet does not have all the info viewable such as totals.

    Long term here is I want to make a radial button on combat section that says add to XP, which fills in the Critical and hits taken or recieved. But got to get my head around radials.


    More changes of course but it a matter of priority, the XP thing is first.

    Also been teaming up with Trenloe on image sharing and image enhancements, which I hope he is ready to release soon to people. It given the gm the ability to share images and for the GM to close the image without the players losing complete access, handy for campaign maps. This is some 4e to rm coversersion stuff I know he has other things on his list. (However this is not for FRP directly but works with it)

    I also plan for the radial option for rolls to have the static or moving manuvuer table appears. I add both these tables in other however this might be something you would like to do Dakadin in your extender, since it linked in some way with some the things youre been doing.

    Also in the middle of making a 'world' for rolemaster, which I would like to share free which is also on my priority. This is so a person who purchases the RM ruleset can also have a free world to start in. This is actual a high priority for me.
    Last edited by Ardem; February 9th, 2012 at 06:26.

  2. #22
    Ardem's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dakadin
    I have a couple suggestions:

    Racial Die type isn't needed in the Racial Abilities Table.

    The Category Skills table has a few classes that need the skill costs entered. They are classes that people rarely play though.

    I would add a message to the chat when XP is added to the character sheet. I know my players tend to like to see it but it could also be communicated other ways.
    1/ Great will strip that out in the next version.

    2/ The Al and Se and As?

    I need to look into my character law as the FRP does not have these types. Else I should remove them.

    3/ This is interesting for those that play realtime XP, I normal add XP add the end of an adventure but do my calcs at the end of every session. But I will add a chat for real time XP assigners.
    Last edited by Ardem; February 9th, 2012 at 06:27.

  3. #23
    Long term here is I want to make a radial button on combat section that says add to XP, which fills in the Critical and hits taken or recieved. But got to get my head around radials.
    I can help you with the radial menus. They are actually easier than you would think.

    I also plan for the radial option for rolls to have the static or moving manuvuer table appears. I add both these tables in other however this might be something you would like to do Dakadin in your extender, since it linked in some way with some the things youre been doing.
    Where were you thinking of having the radial menus for static and movement manuevers? Are you talking about right clicking a skill or skill category and having it show a selection of resolution tables? I should be able to do that or help you do it.

    Also in the middle of making a 'world' for rolemaster, which I would like to share free which is also on my priority. This is so a person who purchases the RM ruleset can also have a free world to start in. This is actual a high priority for me.
    That would be very cool if you created a world that could be used with this ruleset.

    3/ This is interesting for those that play realtime XP, I normal add XP add the end of an adventure but do my calcs at the end of every session. But I will add a chat for real time XP assigners.
    I do it at the end and like to put it in the chat. It isn't a big deal if you don't do it since I am pretty sure I could just drag the number over.

    I've got an idea for the skill categories and skills that I am going to try out in a little while.

  4. #24
    Ardem's Avatar
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    Version 0.2


    - Changes included the groupbug fix, which uses system resource while skills are open in group mode.

    - Changed XP Criticals, these now add automatically to the total. The change is in how the points are allocated instead of a single digit to represent the a critical, it is the difference of the foe lvl - character lvl, with a minimum of 1 the lvls are equal.
    The math is then calculated, there is a minor change to the paper FRP ruleset as there is no 0 value, but the EP points are negilible.

    - Added Self Criticals to the XP sheet, which are totalled

    - Removed Death Crits as they are zero point anyway.


    This version has been tested with the Extend RMC 1.2.2 and latest A Rolemaster_XF.ext and working

    Not a huge amount of changes but the Group bug was critical to get fixed ASAP.
    Last edited by Ardem; February 16th, 2012 at 10:35.

  5. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by Ardem
    This version has been tested with the Extend RMC 1.2.2 and latest A Rolemaster_XF.ext
    Hmmm. I must have missed something... What is Rolemaster_XF.ext?

  6. #26
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lachancery
    Hmmm. I must have missed something... What is Rolemaster_XF.ext?
    That's my ultra-secret extension that I've been working on and Ardem has been using in our game.

    Actually, it's not ultra-secret, just not really ready for distribution yet. The main things I'm working on are:
    1. Sharing of images, notes etc. that Ardem has mentioned before. i.e. When players close and item it is available in their list and can open it again - unless the GM has removed the sharing rights.
    2. Window close X's.
    3. Increased image window size and player zooming.
    4. Enhanced image functionality (DrZeuss's extension) - 3 image layers, image control menu's, etc.
    5. Option to automatically display the total on rolls.

    Only bits of 1, 2 and 3 are done at the moment, and 5 has a clash with Dakadin's extension as they both have mods in chat_chat.lua.

  7. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by Trenloe
    That's my ultra-secret extension that I've been working on and Ardem has been using in our game.
    I like these features! Looking forward to the day it will be declassified for us "civvies". In my case, it will have to play nice with Extend RMC - I wouldn't be able to drop that one for my games.

  8. #28
    Ardem's Avatar
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    It a tough call which is more useful, but with only a few people extending RM there is no reason not to collobrate, to get the best outcome for everyone.

  9. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by Ardem
    It a tough call which is more useful, but with only a few people extending RM there is no reason not to collobrate, to get the best outcome for everyone.
    You're so right! I'm testing the next version of Extend RMC for Dakadin... There's a super nice feature, but I will let Dakadin make the announcement. (Hint: I've talked about it a while back...)

  10. #30
    That great, Trenloe! Those were all things that I was planning to get to eventually.

    I am constantly changing chat_chat.lua for Extend RMC. I am definitely willing to work with you to get #5 working. If you haven't started coding it then I can add it to my list. But if you have, then let me know how I can help and I will do what I can.

    I agree with Ardem that we should work together to get these things working.

    I think Lachancery is referring to the Base Spell Attack Table (BSAT) and Resistance Rolls being resolved in the table resolver. The BSAT can be setup as a weapon similar to how elemental attack spells are done but using a new table. The roll for this table is closed ended and even handles the unmodified values. You just need to select the appropriate column and right click the result to select the RR table. The RR table will load with the attacker and defender levels already selected but can be changed if appropriate. The RR table is mainly just for reference and quick look up since dragging the roll to it would change the defender's level.

    I haven't checked with lachancery on how it is working but I will likely find out when we play tonight. I think they are all working pretty good so far though. I would love to share them with the community but it requires a library module with the 2 tables in order for it to work. I am working on how I can make that module available to the community since it contains copyrighted information. I figure worse case is I explain how to make your own module like I did for the critical tables.

    I just want to make a few more changes before releasing the next version. Hopefully it will be soon.

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