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Thread: Cannot convert

  1. #11
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    May 2011
    Colorado, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by debuss
    1-Character Converter version is 2.8.1.I

    Input=Pathfinder & Hero Lab xml (I manually change the .hlpf to .xml)

    Select File=The hlpf file I have changed to xml

    Output=Local Import with App data folder selected

    Output Options= I have tried them all checked and unchecked. Use modules from the module manager to look up data is checked by default. I have tried it unchecked with the same error message as stated in first posting.

    I Thank-you in advance
    When you select Valeros.xml and press "convert" do you get the error immediately or do you get a "Batch Convert" window appear with multiple characters detected - "Unnamed Hero" and "Valeros"?

  2. #12
    Try the latest version that I just updated in the converter thread. I think a recent version of HL may have changed their output format slightly, and I just removed the specific check that was generating the error you are seeing.

    Thanks for your patience as we get this tool up and running,

  3. #13

    Still Cannot Convert

    I downloaded your newest version and I am still unable to convert. The message has changed from the one about no 4e character list to one that says "No FG local character list exists" when I try to do a local import. I was able to import a character into the A tale of Dinor campaign.

    If there is a way to pull a character out of a campaign it may be a work around until my bug can be squashed.

    Last edited by debuss; October 18th, 2011 at 22:50.

  4. #14
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    May 2011
    Colorado, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by debuss
    I have tried a few more times with characters I built (not the stock ones that come with Herolab) and I still am unable to convert my Pathfinder characters. I continue to get the same error that I posted in the first message of this thread.

    Please look at my question above regarding the Batch Convert window. Do you see this appear when you are converting Valeros.xml or does the error just appear?

    If the error just appears, I'm thinking this may be a local problem with running the app on your PC, not to do with the XML. I'm beginning to think this anyway, as the XML files you sent me work fine. I'm running Windows 7 64 bit too.

  5. #15

    No batch conversion error

    I do not get a batch conversion error, only the ones I posted.

    Also see my last post about using new(er) version J


  6. #16
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    May 2011
    Colorado, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by debuss
    If there is a way to pull a character out of a campaign it may be a work around until my bug can be squashed.
    In your campaign, run the slash command /exportchar in the chat window. Then, in the campaign you want to import the character to run /importchar

    Quote Originally Posted by debuss
    I downloaded your newest version and I am still unable to convert. The message has changed from the one about no 4e character list to one that says "No FG local character list exists" when I try to do a local import. I was able to import a character into the A tale of Dinor campaign.
    I'm wondering if the app is looking for the exportchar/importchar xml. Check what is there already: go to Windows Start -> All Programs -> Fantasy Grounds II -> Application Data Folder. Look for a "characters" folder, if it exists, see if there is a 3.5E.xml file in there - if not, run /exportchar as mentioned above for the character you have in A Tale of Dinor and then see if the 3.5E.xml file is now in the characters folder - this may then make the character converter work.

    Plus - what licence of FG are you using? Full or the demo?

  7. #17
    The new error message you are getting is informing you that the local character database for the target game system has not been created yet. You can create one by starting FG, selecting Manage Characters, and double-clicking on the game system in the Ruleset list. I'll add this to my list to address with the Character Converter.

    Just to make sure that you understand where the characters are going:

    * XML = Character file that can be imported into a campaign by the GM using the /importchar command. Must be done on the GM's machine.

    * Local Import = Imports the character into the "local" character database. These characters are only accessible when joining someone else's game, and will be copied to the server when you select them.

    * Campaign Import = Imports the character into an existing campaign. Must be done on the GM's machine.

    Also, you can always use the "/exportchar <name>" and "/importchar" commands with an existing campaign.


  8. #18

    It is working

    Thank you all for your help.
    Converter is now working. Not sure which of the last two fixes made it work as I did them both then ran the converter, but all is well now.

    Again thanks for the assistance.

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