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  1. #1

    OSE Missing Magic Items

    In the midst of creating some new characters from an older campaign, I was looking for the following magic items (but could not see them):

    Arrows +1
    Arrows +2
    Axe +1
    Axe +2
    Crossbow Bolts +1
    Crossbow Bolts +2

  2. #2
    What does the advanced rules say for axe isnt it hand axe? Arrows should be there if it is in the advanced fantasy rules.

    I am not at home but I think magic items are in the referee manual. If there is an item you want you will need to create it.
    Last edited by bayne7400; January 25th, 2025 at 00:17.

  3. #3
    Not sure what you are asking on your first comment. The second one the arrows are not there either.

    Please advise on the items in this email chain. There are allot of items missing that I feel I should not have add.

    We are also missing:

    War Hammer +1

    Quote Originally Posted by bayne7400 View Post
    What does the advanced rules say for axe isnt it hand axe? Arrows should be there if it is in the advanced fantasy rules.

    I am not at home but I think magic items are in the referee manual. If there is an item you want you will need to create it.

  4. #4
    There is no such item as "axe" There is hand axe and battle axe. If you want an item you can easily make one.

  5. #5
    Magic arrows have zero automation. So if you need a +5 arrow copy the record and put a +5 in the name. Arrow of slaying is however missing (pg 229)
    Last edited by bayne7400; January 26th, 2025 at 17:52.

  6. #6

    Thank you for your help. I am still missing the items listed above. And I am unsure of your comment about arrows. There is no magic arrows at at listed. Please advise.

    Also, I see that there are scrolls not part of magic items either (I have the Advanced OSE PLAYER & Referee and the module Halls of the Blood King) - so I see allot of magic items not listed (or your are saying here that I should make them myself - but if these items are in the PDF products and I have paid for all of the online OSE content - I am just asking if these can be added?


  7. #7
    If you can give me the page # in the advanced fantasy or player tome and the name of the item you think is missing then I will correct it. I sent NG an update today. It has the +1 war hammer, arrow of slaying and a magic arrow template.

    Spell scrolls start on page 216. An example in the books is spell scroll with 3 spells.. Like how can you even make that item ahead of time? That is something you will have to make. On adventures, scrolls are usually specified with specific spells. In those cases those scrolls are created and put into treasure parcels.

    You say they are in the PDF product. Then provide the page number and name of item, it should not be hard. You specified axe earlier. There is no item "axe" in either book. There is hand axe or battle axe. The treasure table in the referee tome is for a non specific axe. I created and linked battle axes in the conversion.
    Last edited by bayne7400; January 26th, 2025 at 21:12.

  8. #8
    Here are the page numbers for the magic items

    OSE Referee Tomb (page 228)
    Arrows +1
    Arrows +2
    Axe +1
    Axe +2
    Crossbow Bolts +1
    Crossbow Bolts +2
    War Hammer +1

    On the spell scroll note - I understand what you are saying with regards to a module I bought that has the treasure added. In my case, I am crating some old characters (from Roll20) to bring into FG, and they had a bunch of spells scrolls (not included in the Hall of the Blood King). So, they are missing the 3-5 scroll spells that they had. Do you have a video that shows how to make these (as a custom magic item) in YouTube? Thanks would be helpful.

    Quote Originally Posted by bayne7400 View Post
    If you can give me the page # in the advanced fantasy or player tome and the name of the item you think is missing then I will correct it. I sent NG an update today. It has the +1 war hammer, arrow of slaying and a magic arrow template.

    Spell scrolls start on page 216. An example in the books is spell scroll with 3 spells.. Like how can you even make that item ahead of time? That is something you will have to make. On adventures, scrolls are usually specified with specific spells. In those cases those scrolls are created and put into treasure parcels.

    You say they are in the PDF product. Then provide the page number and name of item, it should not be hard. You specified axe earlier. There is no item "axe" in either book. There is hand axe or battle axe. The treasure table in the referee tome is for a non specific axe. I created and linked battle axes in the conversion.

  9. #9
    I don't think you are reading my post. Axe +1 and axe +2 are not weapons in OSE. I also told you I sent the update to Necrotic Gnome for the other items.

    Click little green plus button to "Create Item" - this will bring up a dialog where you can input the item's name, description, and other relevant details depending on your chosen ruleset.


    There is nothing tricky about making a scroll. I normally drag the spell to the spell tab and edit the header to signify it is a scroll.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by bayne7400 View Post
    I don't think you are reading my post. Axe +1 and axe +2 are not weapons in OSE.
    I think part of the confusion is coming from the Advanced Referee's Tome > "Magic Item: Magic Weapons" table where there are items listed as Axe +1 and Axe +2. When you generate either of these on that table, they are both linked to Battle Axe entries. There is no Hand Axe result (+1 or +2) in the "Magic Item: Magic Weapons" table. The advanced Player's Tome does have both base weapons listed (and they are linked to their appropriate Weapon entries).

    Axe +1 +2 .png
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