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  1. #1

    C&C's Adventurer's Backpack throwing Errors when looking at spells

    When opening a spell I get these messages. Yes PHB is open, yes everything is updated.

    frame_groupdesc - DEPRECATED - 2023-08-29 - Contact ruleset/extension/forge author

    [1/23/2025 9:32:10 AM] [WARNING] template: Could not find template (sub_ref_header) in class (spelldesc)
    [1/23/2025 9:32:10 AM] [WARNING] template: Could not find template (frame_ref_content) in class (spelldesc)
    [1/23/2025 9:32:10 AM] [WARNING] template: Could not find template (scrollbar_ref_content) in class (spelldesc)
    [1/23/2025 9:32:10 AM] [WARNING] template: Could not find template (resize_referencepage) in class (spelldesc)
    [1/23/2025 9:32:10 AM] [WARNING] template: Could not find template (close_referencepage) in class (spelldesc)
    [1/23/2025 9:32:10 AM] [ERROR] window: Control (content) anchoring to an undefined control (contentframe) in windowclass (spelldesc)
    [1/23/2025 9:32:10 AM] [ERROR] window: Control (content) anchoring to an undefined control (contentframe) in windowclass (spelldesc)
    [1/23/2025 9:32:10 AM] [ERROR] window: Control (content) anchoring to an undefined control (contentframe) in windowclass (spelldesc)
    [1/23/2025 9:32:10 AM] [ERROR] window: Control (content) anchoring to an undefined control (contentframe) in windowclass (spelldesc)
    [1/23/2025 9:32:18 AM] [WARNING] template: Could not find template (sub_ref_header) in class (spelldesc)
    [1/23/2025 9:32:18 AM] [WARNING] template: Could not find template (frame_ref_content) in class (spelldesc)
    [1/23/2025 9:32:18 AM] [WARNING] template: Could not find template (scrollbar_ref_content) in class (spelldesc)
    [1/23/2025 9:32:18 AM] [WARNING] template: Could not find template (resize_referencepage) in class (spelldesc)
    [1/23/2025 9:32:18 AM] [WARNING] template: Could not find template (close_referencepage) in class (spelldesc)
    [1/23/2025 9:32:18 AM] [ERROR] window: Control (content) anchoring to an undefined control (contentframe) in windowclass (spelldesc)
    [1/23/2025 9:32:18 AM] [ERROR] window: Control (content) anchoring to an undefined control (contentframe) in windowclass (spelldesc)
    [1/23/2025 9:32:18 AM] [ERROR] window: Control (content) anchoring to an undefined control (contentframe) in windowclass (spelldesc)
    [1/23/2025 9:32:18 AM] [ERROR] window: Control (content) anchoring to an undefined control (contentframe) in windowclass (spelldesc)

  2. #2
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    Its most useful if you attach the full logs and provide the steps to reproduce.
    How to Compile Logs - Fantasy Grounds Customer Portal - Fantasy Grounds

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    Note, I am not a SmiteWorks employee or representative, I'm just a user like you.

  3. #3
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
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    Dec 2014
    I'm not sure what C&C's Adventurer's Backpack is nor do you mention what ruleset. Can you supply more information please. Also if this is an extension that is causing the issue please report in the extension developers forum post which should be linked in the Forge page (if you got it from the Forge).
    If there is something that you would like to see in Fantasy Grounds that isn't currently part of the software or if there is something you think would improve a ruleset then add your idea here

  4. #4
    Looks like this would be for Castles & Crusades: The Adventurers Backpack from the Forge

  5. #5
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
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    Dec 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by claedawg View Post
    Looks like this would be for Castles & Crusades: The Adventurers Backpack from the Forge
    Thanks, I've moved the thread to the Castles and Crusades forum.
    If there is something that you would like to see in Fantasy Grounds that isn't currently part of the software or if there is something you think would improve a ruleset then add your idea here

  6. #6

    A complete log

    I just got back. I unloaded everything except the PHB and Adventurer's Backpack - then restarted the campaign. This is for Castles and Crusades. The Adventurer's Backpack requires that the Players Handbook is Op - so i enabled it.
    I'd like to paste the Zipped log file here- but can't find the option to do so.
    Last edited by TheFastEddy; January 24th, 2025 at 01:14. Reason: Changed nothing - looking for an attachment option

  7. #7
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
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    I think probably what you posted in your first post is enough of a clue as to what the issue is. I'm not sure that the logs will tell us much more. The developer of the product will need to reconfigure the code used to create the module since some stuff has changed since it was published. I've brought this thread to James' attention so that he can contact Troll Lord Games.

    For reference to attach something to a post click on the Go advanced tab at the bottom of your post and then click on Manage Attachments. Click on browse; find the file and load it before clicking on Post Reply.
    If there is something that you would like to see in Fantasy Grounds that isn't currently part of the software or if there is something you think would improve a ruleset then add your idea here

  8. #8
    Mortar's Avatar
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    It looks like the Adventurer's Backpack hasn't been updated to use the CoreRPG windows yet.
    Ultimate License Holder

  9. #9
    GregRex's Avatar
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    Jun 2018
    Hi TheFastEddy, I am the current volunteer helping TLG maintain the C&C ruleset on FG.

    I am unable to reproduce your error. Can you please attach the logs to give me something to go after?

  10. #10

    The log

    I'll try to attach the log
    Attached Files Attached Files

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