January 14th, 2025, 19:01 #1
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Release Updates for January 14th, 2025
Please remember not to update right before a game starts.
In order for some of the updates in data modules/books to be visible, you may need to open the Module Activation window from Library->Activation, right click on the module and select "revert changes". Be warned, any edits you've made will be lost.
The following products have been updated:
Science Fiction Companion (SWADE) (Savage Worlds)
- [Updated] In options, when setting cyberware implementation to none, no strain formula will be used.
- [Updated] Vehicle wounds and shields remain visible even when set to 0.
- [Fixed] Infantry Battle Suit Armor missing
- [Fixed] Missing name in Husk ability and Luancher spelling mistake
Savage Saturday Cinema: Phantom of the Deep (Savage Worlds)
- [Fixed] minor change to base description
Dungeon Crawl Classics Lankhmar Boxed Set Extension (Dungeon Crawl Classics)
- [Updated] Character sheet compatibility updates with DCC ruleset.
Dungeon Crawl Classics Ruleset (Dungeon Crawl Classics)
- [Added] Add Zero button to Character Selection window for host and players. Clicking the button generates a 0-level character (similar to the /funnel command).
Last edited by lokiare; January 14th, 2025 at 19:12. Reason: Removing unreleased product.
January 15th, 2025, 06:34 #2
Mutants and Masterminds 3E (ruleset)
- [Fixed] Character actions now appearing without a restart of the campaign.
Dominic Morta
Ruleset Developer
How to zip up your campaign if the Developers ask for it-How to zip up your campaign if the Developers ask for it
How to provide an Unity Connection issue?-Connection Issues and What to Provide
Unity Updater issue?-Updater Issues
Classic and Unity Port Forwarding?-Fantasy Grounds Connections Explained
Comcast or Cox ISP User?-Comcast XFinity and Cox Users
Have a suggestion?-Feature Request
January 16th, 2025, 03:00 #3
Supreme Deity
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- Mar 2007
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- 21,740
D&D 5E (Ruleset)
- [ADDED] Support for Artificer (UA) spell progression.
- [FIXED] Sorcerer/Wizard getting incorrect number of cantrips.
- [FIXED] (Copy) suffix not appended to spell record copies.
January 16th, 2025, 17:17 #4
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- Apr 2007
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- Mississippi, USA
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- 1,207
Hotfixes 1-16-2025
Tales of the Valiant: Monster Vault (Black Flag Roleplaying System)
- [Fixed] Missing Stats and incomplete language entry on Giant owl.
Savage Worlds Base (Savage Worlds)
- [Fixed] Archetypes can't be dropped into Character Selection window
- [Fixed] NPC type not displaying value in group lists
Last edited by lokiare; January 16th, 2025 at 17:22. Reason: Adding products
January 16th, 2025, 21:12 #5
Vampire the Masquerade 5E (Ruleset)
- [Fixed] Error when open combat tracker with expanded SPC
- [Fixed] Error when attempting to used expanded attributes on expanded SPC record
Dominic Morta
Ruleset Developer
How to zip up your campaign if the Developers ask for it-How to zip up your campaign if the Developers ask for it
How to provide an Unity Connection issue?-Connection Issues and What to Provide
Unity Updater issue?-Updater Issues
Classic and Unity Port Forwarding?-Fantasy Grounds Connections Explained
Comcast or Cox ISP User?-Comcast XFinity and Cox Users
Have a suggestion?-Feature Request
January 20th, 2025, 05:34 #6
Fallout 2d20 (Ruleset)
- [Fixed] Aim not being applied for NPCs
- [Fixed] Cover not rolling for NPCs
Dominic Morta
Ruleset Developer
How to zip up your campaign if the Developers ask for it-How to zip up your campaign if the Developers ask for it
How to provide an Unity Connection issue?-Connection Issues and What to Provide
Unity Updater issue?-Updater Issues
Classic and Unity Port Forwarding?-Fantasy Grounds Connections Explained
Comcast or Cox ISP User?-Comcast XFinity and Cox Users
Have a suggestion?-Feature Request
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