Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
  1. #1

    LFP Need 1-2 Players Thu Night 7PM PST Canada USA 5E Starting arc Temple of E. Evil.

    FG License: GM has Full so players need at least Demo
    Game System: D&D 5E (2024 PHB DMG)

    Time Zone: Pacific Zone
    Day of week and time: Thursdays 700 PM to 930 PM
    New game, planned start date: 09 January 2025
    Planned Duration & Frequency: Weekly, 2+ hours (depends on events in game)
    Term: Campaign arc Temple of Elemental Evil, Slavers, then Against the giant series
    Text or Voice: Voice preferred, Mix of both ok, etc.
    Main Language used: English,
    Voice software used: Steam VoIP (yeah weird I know)
    Will this be recorded and/or live streamed? Absolutely NOT

    Roleplay & Combat mix: usually 20/80 Heavy Combat, depends on module
    Number of Players in game & needed: Have 3 players, need 1 or 2 more.
    Character starting level & equipment: First level characters, starting equipment.
    Character restrictions: As allowed by source materials see other section on what’s loaded.

    Details of your scenario: As following notes suggest

    Basic information

    GM Herdan Email [email protected]

    Rule Set Dungeons and Dragons 5E
    Game Title Greyhawk Gods and Heros (Search for GM Herdan)
    Password Will be emailed or in Steam Chat

    FGU Loaded modules and Books for Character creation
    (I prefer heroic characters, normally we use 4d6 drop lowest but use what creation rules
    you like, be it the first set of rolls or hundreth)
    Bigby’s Book of Giants Book of Many things D&D DMG (2024)
    D&D PHB (2024) Elemental Evil for PC’s Fizban’s Dragons
    Monster Manual (5E) Mordenkainen’s MOTMP Planescape
    Spelljammer Strixhaven Tasha
    Tortle package Unearthed Arcana Vecna

    Chat and VOiP channel STEAM
    Chat: Greyhawk Gods and Heros VoIP Greyhawk Gods and Heros
    I will email you who you need to “befriend” on Steam so I can invite you to the chat/VoIP

    Start Date 09 January 2025
    Available Thursdays 7 PM to 930 PM Pacific Time (Vancouver BC Canada)
    Programs Fantasy Grounds (free version is fine, I’ve the Ultimate package)
    Steam for VOiP

    Planned Campaign arc
    Temple of Elemental Evil (1-4) then Slavers (1-4) then Giant Series (G1 through to Q1)

    Current Players Known Connections in Greyhawk
    Sorcerer (Tiefling Infernal) Silver Dragon Inn
    Paladin (Human) Silver Dragon Inn, Temple Far Horizons
    Ranger (Shadar-kai) Temple Far Horizons

    We’re a group of older men, and due to time constraints, usually 20/80 RP/Combat.
    We are seeking one or two more players. Gender doesn’t matter, nor age
    (but beware that some vulgarities may slip in) (most likely, knowing 1 of the players).
    We may not be the right fit for you, then again, we might be your tribe.

  2. #2
    Hello! I'm very interested in your game. 7pm PST is 9pm for me (Oklahoma US) which is perfect for me.

  3. #3
    It sounds interesting. I'm 44, female, married...with a minion. This time slot would be perfect for me as it's after the minion is asleep (9pm CST for me). Please let me know if you still have slots available.

    I am not familiar with Steam VoiP, but I can learn easily enough.

  4. #4
    Greetings Eanelen;

    I will be happy to include you into the group. I will send you details soon enough. Just working through a Kernel failure (old comp) and a partial transfer of data from the old comp to the new comp. Date and time are still the same. Send me an email at [email protected] so I may let you know when my FGU is up and running.

    Take care


  5. #5
    Greetings Zynara;

    Be aware that (I know... I know that there will be vulgarities muttered) very rude words will occasionally be spoken (not by me but by another player) so you may wish to think about a headset. Steam VoIP is actually easy. I invite you as a friend to a chat channel, and if you have a headset with mic, you can start talking with no problem. If you have Steam loaded, you've the chat/voice program already embedded. Send me a email to [email protected] (we're located in Vancouver BTW) so I can let you know whom to befriend on Steam as well as to let you know when the FGU is up and running (along with it's password. (And Eanelen, this is info for you as well)

  6. #6
    Greetings All;

    We have two brave volunteers (Reminding me of what my Sgt-Mjr would say...) so this request is filled.

    I may seek others if Zynara or Eanelen choose not to proceed. But for now take care and Merry Christmas


  7. #7
    Email sent! Thanks for the reply and I look forward to chatting!

  8. #8

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