Fantasy Grounds Merchandise
  1. #1

    LFP 2P Ravenloft's Grand Conjunction in 5E

    FG License: Demo, I have the Ultimate License
    Game System: 5E homebrew 2014

    Time Zone: Est
    Day of week and time: Thursday’s at 17:00
    If new game, planned start date: Game is in progress
    Planned Duration & Frequency: Weekly until level 20
    Term: Working through 2E’s Grand Conjunction converted to 5E

    Text or Voice: Voice
    Main Language used: English
    Voice software used: Discord for voice
    Will this be recorded and/or live streamed? Neither

    Roleplay & Combat mix: 30% combat, 30% exploration, 40% roleplay
    Number of Players in game & needed: 2 Full time players & one part time player. Looking for two more players to bring it up to.
    Character starting level & equipment: Level 14 (Those who arrive in Ravenloft usually find that their equipment remained behind). Locals will start with a couple of magic items appropriate to their background and classes. Will be assigned by me after character creation.
    Party Composition:
    Full Time

    • Cleric-Paladin (low end paladin)
    • Divine Soul Sorcerer

    Part Time
    • Monk

    Character restrictions:
    • The Classic species are mostly good: elves, dwarves, humans, gnomes, etc. Humans are the most accepted.
    • Common Language does not exist, non-locals will have common replaced for the language of the domain they start in.

    Details of your scenario:
    Ravenloft's 2E Grand Conjunction campaign. Campaign goes through several domains like: Barovia, Kartakass, Souragne, Har-Akir, Darkon, Barovia of the Past, & Barovia on the Prime Material plane.

    Converted many mechanics from 2E & 3E's Ravenloft into 5E: Dark Powers checks, Class mechanic alterations (ie Paladin's cannot detect evil as the dark powers make moral alignment undetectable), Spell mechanic alterations (Banishment teleports a person randomly within Ravenloft, Wish is always twisted to be evil, empowered necromancy, & necromantic cantrips are half damage).

  2. #2
    I would be interested, how do I contact you?

  3. #3

  4. #4
    If you still have an opening, I am interested.

  5. #5

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