Starfinder Playlist
  1. #1

    Text FIelds on a Popup

    I have managed to muddle my way through part of creating an extension that will allow a person to enter text into two fields and press a button to pass those values to a function that does a web query for some information.

    I have my popup working with some basic instructions and a button at the bottom of the popup. I have been unable to decipher the FGU API docs to figure out how to put some simple labels and the fields for the information I want to capture onto the popup and was hoping someone could help.

    Here is my code for this thus far:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <windowclass name="UWPImport">
                <minimum width="400" height="300" />
                <dynamic />
                <!-- Title -->
                <windowtitlebar_utilitybox name="title">
                    <text>UWP Import Tool</text>
                <windowmenubar_utilitybox name="menubar" />
                <anchor_content_utilitybox_top />
                <anchor_content_utilitybox_bottom />
                <!-- Instructions -->
                <stringc_content_framed_groupbox_top name="instructions">
                    <static>Enter the Sector and Hex location for the world, then click 'Retrieve'.
                    <readonly />
                    <nodrag />
                <!-- Sector Label -->
                <label name="sector_label">
                    <bounds left="20" top="100" width="100" height="20" />
                <!-- Sector Input -->
                <stringfield name="sector_input">
                    <bounds left="130" top="100" width="200" height="20" />
                <!-- Hex Label -->
                <label name="hex_label">
                    <bounds left="20" top="140" width="100" height="20" />
                <!-- Hex Input -->
                <stringfield name="hex_input">
                    <bounds left="130" top="140" width="200" height="20" />
                <!-- Retrieve Button -->
                <button_text_content_center_bottom name="retrievebutton">
                        local sector = window.getChild("sector_input").getValue();
                        local hex = window.getChild("hex_input").getValue();
                        UWPManager.retrieveWorldData(sector, hex);
    I get no errors in the console or anything once the popup comes up, so am not sure where to go. I have also tried <stringcontrol> in place of <stringfield> to no avail.

  2. #2
    Here's how I would do it. I've attached the mini-extension I used to test using /uwpimport chat command to bring up window.

    	<windowclass name="UWPImport">
    			<minimum width="400" height="300" />
    			<dynamic />
    			<!-- Title -->
    			<windowtitlebar_utilitybox name="title">
    				<static>UWP Import Tool</static>
    			<windowmenubar_utilitybox name="menubar" />
    			<anchor_content_utilitybox_top />
    			<anchor_content_utilitybox_bottom />
    			<!-- Instructions -->
    			<stringc_content_framed_groupbox_top name="instructions">
    				<static text="Enter the Sector and Hex location for the world, then click 'Retrieve'." />
    				<nodrag />
    			<!-- Retrieve Button -->
    			<button_text_content_center_bottom name="retrievebutton">
    					function onButtonPress()
    						local sector = window.fields.subwindow.sector_input.getValue();
    						local hex = window.fields.subwindow.hex_input.getValue();
    						UWPManager.retrieveWorldData(sector, hex);
    			<!-- Fields -->
    			<sub_content_framed_groupbox name="fields">
    			<resize_utilitybox />
    	<windowclass name="UWPImportContent">
    		<margins control="0,0,0,2" />
    			<anchor_content_top />
    			<!-- Sector -->
    			<label_content_column name="sector_label">
    				<static text="Sector:" />
    			<stringc_content_column_single name="sector_input" />
    			<!-- Hex -->
    			<label_content_column name="hex_label">
    				<static text="Hex:" />
    			<stringc_content_column_single name="hex_input" />
    Attached Files Attached Files

  3. #3
    Thank you for this. Is it actually possible to truly implement what I am trying? I am not actually sure I cant take the data from my form, create a URL, query the website, and then import that JSON data back into FGU. I seem to remember sometime back that this kind of thing was disallowed for some reason. I had gotten the LUA code working to process JSON pasted into a field manually, but automating it like I wanted would be simpler.

  4. #4
    You can use the following API: Interface.openURL(url, callbackfunction)
    where the callback function is of the form: function callbackfunction(sURL, sResponse)

    It's actually used in the Syrinscape sound links coding in CoreRPG to import Syrinscape sound data. You can run a search over CoreRPG files to see how it is used there.


  5. #5
    Awesome. Thanks for the help on the form.

    I have already changed the form I had made to paste in the JSON I had working back over to be Sector and Hex data, where it will automatically retrieve the JSON data from the website. I have completed and submitted an extension (my first) to the Forge. Here is the thread for it:
    Last edited by Stargrove; December 4th, 2024 at 02:09.

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