1. #1

    DC Heroes RPG? Dice rolling support.

    Has anyone ever tried creating any support for the dice rolling form the old MayFair DC Heroes RPG/ It used 2d10 as a mechanic, with doubles resulting in the dice "exploding" and getting to roll again, with rerolls continuing as long as doubles were rolled, with the exception of double ones which resulted in auto failure at any point in the roll.

    Calculating the results from the tables would be impossible, buy just having a dice roller would be nice. I could probably figure out how to do a character sheet for it eventually.

  2. #2
    Mortar's Avatar
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    You could likely do something like that in damned's MoreCore/X-Core
    Ultimate License Holder

  3. #3

  4. #4
    Thanks. On the bright side, its a simple thing to resolve. Could probably make the Action and Results Chart the background and manually roll the dice. Its a one roll resolution system for hit and damage, so it will still be quick enough. Now just to figure out how to build a character sheet

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by damned View Post
    I dont have a mechanic like that in either - sorry.
    It doesnt actually sound like a trivial roll to build either...
    I can live with just using the basic dice to do those rolls manually. I just wish I had the coding skills to make a decent looking character sheet. I might just settle for using a damage tracker style sheet, and just use the online dice roller ad basic maps and token views, and not worry about a online character sheet.

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