1. #1

    LFP [2d20 fallout]

    looking for 3 - 5 players, for a weekly game, in a new campaign.

    day / time determined by players. i am free most days. free accounts and new players welcome.

    discord and mic a must. PM me for invite if interested in playing.

    campaign takes place in 2189. core book, wanderers, and settlers are all available. so origins, equipment packs, etc. all available to play in FGU.

    any questions, please ask.

    Last edited by Immelmann; November 21st, 2024 at 09:38.

  2. #2
    1 seat still open.

    session 0 was yesterday.

  3. #3
    When are you thinking of playing?

    Time Zone: EDT
    Fantasy Grounds Ultimate License
    My Games are free to play. You only need the Demo to play

  4. #4

  5. #5
    a seat has opened in the core group. we play fridays, 8pm EST, weekly.

    discord and mic a must. i use FGU as the VTT. new players and free accounts welcome.

    here is the event link to provide some info, plus gives you the game time in your time zone.

    the campaign is also open to West Marchers. always seats available there. all i ask is at least 2 sessions per month. each session (1 shot) is about an hour.

    PM me for further details and/or invite to our discord.


  6. #6
    seat still open in the core group.

    west marchers always welcome.

    see above for details.

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