1. #1

    Image text feedback

    Good morning

    Feedback for your consideration

    1. When selecting a group of text to move into folder to changes each text field to the value of the first selected text field. (left mouse and shift) ctrl Z does not undo
    2. Default the image panel to "add text" vice "edit text" would be preferred when using it to add text. Currently when you add text it switches back to edit.
    3. It can be difficult to move text layers. If you grab it in certain spots it grabs the underlying image instead of the text field

  2. #2
    To append:
    1. CTRL-Selecting multiple Text layers changes the text of subsequently selected Text layers to the text of the first selected Text layer.
    2. Moving a folder containing multiple text layers will erase all text from all Text layers.

    Selecting multiple image assets in a Map Record then clicking the Folder icon will cause those assets to, sort of sim-link, to the closest Text Layer objects and take their place. You lose the Text Layer object and effectively have two copies of the Image Layers. One, in the folder you just created and one in the folder that used to house the Text Layers. Everything you do to one image does to the other. They are effectively the same object.

    Also, if you group select a list of Layers where a Text Layer exists in that list and select the Folder icon; the title will crash. 3/3 repro. Only happens when a Text Layer exists in the selected group of Layers.
    Last edited by Grondular; November 20th, 2024 at 22:06. Reason: Added more issues.

  3. #3
    pindercarl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grondular View Post
    To append:
    1. CTRL-Selecting multiple Text layers changes the text of subsequently selected Text layers to the text of the first selected Text layer.
    2. Moving a folder containing multiple text layers will erase all text from all Text layers.

    Selecting multiple image assets in a Map Record then clicking the Folder icon will cause those assets to, sort of sim-link, to the closest Text Layer objects and take their place. You lose the Text Layer object and effectively have two copies of the Image Layers. One, in the folder you just created and one in the folder that used to house the Text Layers. Everything you do to one image does to the other. They are effectively the same object.

    Also, if you group select a list of Layers where a Text Layer exists in that list and select the Folder icon; the title will crash. 3/3 repro. Only happens when a Text Layer exists in the selected group of Layers.
    I have submitted a fix for issues 1 and 2 and they should be available in the next hot fix. I have not been able to reproduce the additional issues. After the next release build is updated, I would be interested to know if you are still able to reproduce them. Thanks.

  4. #4
    Just pushed a hot fix build with the items Carl mentioned. Please run a new Check for Updates.


  5. #5
    I am no longer seeing these issues. I won't be able to test fully until after my current game that I'm playing in. When I prep my game tomorrow I will look further into what is stated fixed as well as those that could not be repro'd.

  6. #6
    The listed issues are no longer present.

    When moving a selection of Text Layers from one Folder to a Non-Folder location on the Layers panel; that selection of Text Layers can not be moved back to the original Folder.
    edit: This may not be perfect repro. I created 3 folders on an image map record. Then created 4 Text Layers. I selected all 4 Text Layers (Ctrl-Click) then attempted to move those Text Layers to a folder. Folder 1 and 2 would not highlight and the Text Layers could not be dropped in to those folders. I was able to drop the selections into Folder 3.
    Once the selection was in Folder 3 I was able to move the selection to any folder. If I moved that selection then to Folder 2 I could then move the selection to Folder 1 but NOT Folder 3. Once in Folder 1; I could move the selection to Folder 3 but NOT Folder 2.

    I know that's long winded. I hope that helps.
    Last edited by Grondular; November 22nd, 2024 at 22:52.

  7. #7

    We just pushed a hot fix version that should fix the text layer drag from folder to folder better. Please run a new Check for Updates, and let us know if you're still having issues.


  8. #8
    Fixed. Selected Text Layers can now be moved to Layer Folders.

    Selecting a text object in the map record window when an image asset is in a lower layer will move that image asset object with the text.

    1. Place an image or create a map record of an image asset
    2. Create a text object on that map record
    3. For reference create another text object on the map record
    4. Lock the image asset layer.
    5. On the map record select the text object.
    6. Without moving the mouse select and hold the text object
    7. Move the text object.
    8. Observe text object and locked image asset object move in sync.

    Repro is about 8/10. I wish I could give a definitive set of steps. I can only say: It happens most times.

    Workaround: Select the text and move it around using the arrow keys OR Ctrl-Arrow Keys for fine movement.
    Last edited by Grondular; November 26th, 2024 at 21:54.

  9. #9
    Thanks for the new report. I've added to our issue tracking. We'll be continuing to look at these given holiday schedules until we work through all the outstanding items with the new version.


  10. #10
    Thanks for the help. This should be addressed in v4.6.2 of the client. Please run a new Check for Updates, and let us know if you are still having an issue.


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