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  1. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Wizard View Post
    It was rarely used; and created another set of display options that confused people (due to the double cycling (combat-preparation-standard; notes-actions-group)

    Now, you can edit the group of the power by using the Edit button; and the actions are always available (never hidden). I found that most people just append quick abbreviations to the spell names to provide more detail for the spells.

    This is only the second request I've seen for those notes in the three months since changed. I created a small extension that should work to enable the notes for the short term that you can use to move them around.

    You can add me as the third request! I have been trying to figure out where the display button went and finally came to the forum to look for the answer. I used that feature a lot to help track my 5E spells for things like ritual, concentration, and free preparation. I have been missing that feature a lot for my druid. I will try that extension to retrieve my notes and look for another way to track my spells.

  2. #12
    my DM finally got back to town and i was able to try this out last night. IT WORKED!! THANK YOU!!!

    PLEASE, Moon Wizard/JPG, don't get rid of the ability for this extension to work any time soon. if you HAVE to - please at least extend the spell name boxes all the way to the right so we have enough room to write our 'at a glance' notes. it would be extremely helpful for some of us.

    Screenshot 2024-12-05 at 6.15.14 PM.png

    Screenshot 2024-12-05 at 6.13.02 PM.png
    energy. frequency. vibration.

  3. #13
    There are no plans to break it, but as LordEntrails mentioned, we don’t have plans to maintain long term either. Because the 5E rulebooks don’t provide any official spell notes from the publisher, it was a field unused by almost everyone.

    I think the better question is what kind of at a glance notes are needed to do what you guys are using it for now. Examples are very helpful.


  4. #14
    yeah - that’s why i put some screenshots on there so you could see what we’re using that space for.

    thanks for everything (helping, responding, taking a note field in the consideration for future builds, etc).
    energy. frequency. vibration.

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