Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
  1. #1
    cap10bill's Avatar
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    Jun 2020
    Earth, because a planet is the best way to explore the universe.

    LFP Need 2-3 Players Thursday 6PM PST USA 5E Urban Adventures of Pateia

    FG License: GM has Ultimate, players only need Free

    Game System: D&D 5E

    Time Zone:** Pacific Time (PST)
    Day of week and time:** Thursdays, 6PM - 9PM PST +
    Planned start date:** Starting 9/13/2024
    Planned Duration & Frequency:** 3 Hour sessions, Weekly
    Term:** Short-term campaign

    Text or Voice:** Text/Voice via Discord Text/VTT: Fantasy Grounds
    Main Language used: English
    Voice software used: Discord, Fantasy Grounds

    Roleplay & Combat mix: 40% Roleplay, 40% Exploration, 20% Combat
    Number of Players in-game & needed: Have 2 players, need 2-3 more
    Character starting level & equipment: Level 1-3, starting equipment based on class/background. I've included more details below.
    Character restrictions:** Core races and classes, lower magic-infused industrialization setting. You’ll shape your character with depth, purpose, and connection to the evolving world of Shavengmi.


    Hey, I’m Cap10Bill, and I’ve been working on something I think you're going to love. Picture this: we’re stepping into the bustling city of Shavengmi, where magic and industry are colliding, creating this rich, layered world that’s just waiting to be explored. The best part? We’re doing this together.

    This isn’t a game where the story is pre-written. You and I, we’re going to create this adventure as we go. You’re not locked into a single role. You’ll play multiple characters—different people, different perspectives—shaping the drama and watching it unfold in real time. Maybe you’ll be a merchant trying to expand your influence, a rogue working the shadows, or a noble juggling the politics of the city. Every choice you make will ripple through the city and beyond.

    Your starting characters? They’re not just names on paper. They’ve got jobs, families, and connections to the world. Whether you’re a craftsman navigating the city’s economic currents, or a guard caught between loyalty and ambition, your character will grow as we play. We’ll be tracking your progress not just in XP, but in how you influence the city’s economy, culture, and politics. AXP (Ability Experience Points) and PXP (Profession Experience Points) will reflect your growth in skills and profession, making your journey feel organic and earned.

    I want this to be an experience where exploration isn’t just about what’s around the next corner, but what’s inside your character, and how they evolve in this living, breathing world. You’ll feel the impact of every decision—whether you bring peace or chaos, growth or destruction—and we’ll use victory trackers to keep tabs on how your actions reshape the city.

    Expect quick, deep scenarios. We’ll jump between timelines, maybe playing your character in the present and then their ancestor in the past. Each scene will be packed with choices that matter, and every NPC is alive with personality and depth. And don’t worry about meta-gaming—we’ll play true to what our characters know, keeping that tension and excitement alive.

    So if you’re ready for something different, something collaborative and dynamic, come join me in Shavengmi. We’re going to build something epic, and I can’t wait to see where we take it together.
    Last edited by cap10bill; September 14th, 2024 at 22:39.

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