5E Product Walkthrough Playlist
  1. #1
    Niles's Avatar
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    Spokane, Washington
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    Scrolling up on 3D map

    My group is using the 3D maps in Fantasy Grounds Unity. We're using the height feature where some of the characters are flying. Some are out of range of sight unless I scroll outwards, but them everything gets real small. Is there any scroll up and down feature to follow the action close up?
    See through the skies, far beyond our world tonight,
    Hear the sounds of freedom ring, in a silent dream,
    and a million miles away.
    Reach for the stars, and live our lives forever free,
    In our hearts for a thousand years, and a thousand lifetimes before.

    And the dawn of a new day will rise, a light for us all. -Dragonforce

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Niles's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Spokane, Washington
    Blog Entries
    Thank you!
    See through the skies, far beyond our world tonight,
    Hear the sounds of freedom ring, in a silent dream,
    and a million miles away.
    Reach for the stars, and live our lives forever free,
    In our hearts for a thousand years, and a thousand lifetimes before.

    And the dawn of a new day will rise, a light for us all. -Dragonforce

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