August 28th, 2024, 16:21 #1
Inventory not tracking decimal weight
Yesterday while editing currency weights in my campaign I noticed that the total sum of the weight of the players' characters' inventory was not showing decimal weights. And the sum was below three digits, so I know it isn't that. It used to work fine, the problem came out of nowhere. I removed all extensions and it was still broken. I've no idea what happened.
Anyone ever got a similar issue?
August 28th, 2024, 16:27 #2
Looks like it's round things down to the nearest digit. I can't say that I have noticed whether that is a change or it has always been that way.
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August 28th, 2024, 18:12 #3
I'm absolutely sure it used to track up to the first decimal place. I used it a lot since I have a homebrew encumbrance system. Later today I'll create a new campaign and see if that continues. Really hope that wasn't a ruleset change
August 28th, 2024, 23:56 #4
Just tested things more thoroughly tonight and the decimal weight tracking is actually an added feature from the extraplanar containers extension. Played with it so long that I assumed it came with the ruleset.
Guess it's problem solved!
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