1. #1

    New User Interface not showing in old game

    Sorry if this is somewhere else, but been trying to find a resolution, im guessing a reinstall may do this but thought I would check before I did that.

    I have recently started a 2nd 5E game and that is fine with the new interface, but have another older game I have been running but hasnt updated the new user interface. any advice befor i bite the bullet and just uninstal and reinstal FG again.

    Many thanks

  2. #2
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    Turn off your extensions in your old game. Most likely you have one or more extensions enabled that have not been updated.
    If that does not solve your issue, please compile logs and attach that and some screen shots to your reply.

    Problems? See; How to Report Issues, Bugs & Problems
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    Note, I am not a SmiteWorks employee or representative, I'm just a user like you.

  3. #3
    Also, IF you have any official modules or books loaded, it is possible that you will need to revert the changes to those as well to update the images and such. You might lose any previous map edits though.


    The instruction images are a bit out of date, but the path is similar to revert changes.
    FGA Founder
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  4. #4
    Thank you, both that seems to have worked, the main screen still is the old version but when I join a game or load up a campaign it reverts to the new one, so all seems to be ok, the main screen does change when I click on the update button.

    Thanks you for the advice really appreciated.

  5. #5
    This means that you most likely have two installs of FG on your machine; and the shortcut that you use to launch FG is pointing at the old one.

    If you right click on the shortcut that you use to start FG and look at the Properties, you'll want to make sure it is pointing at the same folder as the one in the Settings under the FG Application folder.


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