5E Character Create Playlist
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  1. #11
    Speaking of scaleui, some of the new buttons have some artifacts at certain scales, e.g. at 130 the window buttons have some white lines through them: story130.jpg
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  2. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Trenloe View Post
    I don't know about the page number as it's a house rule, but this is the extension that is being merged into the base ruleset: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forum...l=1#post340809
    I have decide to make up my own house rules not in the book as well now. I will just put them into ruleset patches after August as well so everyone has to use them.
    Last edited by Lonewolf; July 19th, 2024 at 16:55.
    Ultimate License holder.
    Over 10 years on Fantasy Grounds !

  3. #13
    Thanks for the report. I'll look at that field.

    There were always artifacts at different UI scales; just more prominent at certain UI scales or certain graphics. I usually stick to 100,125,150,175,200.
    I'll mentioned the window title size to Adam; though generally font sizes roughly stayed the same other than titles.
    For the tabs issue, I'll have to review.

    It's usually best to limit the number of house rules automatically included in a ruleset to only those that "everybody" changes at the table; not ones that seem cool or are used by only a few people. I felt like Load Limit was one of those that everyone changes or ignores, due to low encumbrance load levels in SW rules. For the remaining house rules, those should remain as independent extensions; and probably moved to the Forge.


  4. #14
    Just pushed an update with a title font that is about 12% bigger. (16->18); as well as record view title fix.


  5. #15
    Just pushed updates to SavageWorlds that fixes the modifier widget displays.


  6. #16
    Pushed new updates for 2E and Shadowdark.


  7. #17
    On the 5E character sheet, is it expected that the character sheet windows opened via the gear icons no longer have headings? For example, "CLASS & LEVEL - Name" or "HEALTH CALC - Name".

  8. #18
    Quick question regarding that swank new dark theme: is the new theme going to be selectable from the extensions list for those rulesets that have their own default themes?

  9. #19
    Just pushed a fix for that one.

    It's only part of Core/PF/3.5E/5E right now; though Adam has a Dark Mode version in development that will be separate.


  10. #20
    Well, I hope that the new Dark Mode is similar to that theme because I really dig it.

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