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Thread: Website refresh

  1. #141
    GregRex's Avatar
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    Feature Request

    I was just poking around the Store and wanted to view specific publishers for a ruleset and realized I might not be the only one with this frustration...

    Can we get a multi-select from the dropdown lists? Being limited to one filter at a time for each of the three dropdowns narrows my search too much.


  2. #142
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GregRex View Post
    I was just poking around the Store and wanted to view specific publishers for a ruleset and realized I might not be the only one with this frustration...

    Can we get a multi-select from the dropdown lists? Being limited to one filter at a time for each of the three dropdowns narrows my search too much.

    I know these types of threads kind of confuse things, but the place that SmiteWorks has asked us to put feature requests (for the program, the website, the forge, etc) is in their Feature Request list here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/featurerequests

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    Note, I am not a SmiteWorks employee or representative, I'm just a user like you.

  3. #143
    ddavison's Avatar
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    For sure. Please put it on the Feature Requests for website updates. I will add that the main reason we don't do this is because we want the search performance to be as quick as possible. We can have it do all sorts of things, but it is always a balance between how in demand a request is and how efficient we can make the search. The more we ask the search feature to do, the slower the site will become. A multi-publisher filter is not as bad as tokenized search terms, but it is still more than what it was doing before.

  4. #144
    Quote Originally Posted by ddavison View Post
    For sure. Please put it on the Feature Requests for website updates. I will add that the main reason we don't do this is because we want the search performance to be as quick as possible. We can have it do all sorts of things, but it is always a balance between how in demand a request is and how efficient we can make the search. The more we ask the search feature to do, the slower the site will become. A multi-publisher filter is not as bad as tokenized search terms, but it is still more than what it was doing before.
    Yeah, but I don't think you're searching against 10s of millions of records. Any modern database can handle full-text search pretty well. Even a 10 second search result is going to be acceptable, but I can't imagine you have enough records to even cause that long a wait for the result, unless you have foundational data structure issues.
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    I've suspended support for any extensions. It just isn't worth my time anymore to have to continually update them.
    Smiteworks has a developer relations problem (perceived or real) that needs to be fixed.

  5. #145
    ddavison's Avatar
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    We do a full text search already across the title and description. We don’t do a tokenized full text search.

    We also join across order history and user tables to show owned status, across sales tables for scheduled sales, bundles, and several other tables. It’s a fairly complex query already. I’m not saying it can’t be done and can’t be done in a manner that still uses indexes efficiently. I’m just saying to put it on the wishlist to see how much demand there is for it before we consider adding even more requirements to an already complex query.

    A 10 second search for a webpage is not really considered acceptable though. You get dinged in SEO for slow pages.

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