Cosmere RPG Beta Launch

View Poll Results: How should Derived/Calculated Stats with fractions be handled?

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  • Round UP for x.5 and higher

    3 37.50%
  • Round DOWN always

    2 25.00%
  • Leave as is with potential fractions

    3 37.50%
  1. #1

  2. #2
    wndrngdru's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    US, Central (UTC -6 or -5)
    That's a tough one. Some games round down while others round up. Most of the games I play round down but they also have their own rulesets.

    Is it something that could be toggled via option or extension?
    I'm so bassic

  3. #3

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Mar 2020
    Boston Northshore
    I recommended to always round down. Then I realized that I was wrong. I was going to suggest that if the user wanted to round up, they could get the desired result by adding one before rounding down... except the rounding happens before the user could add one. My bad. :-(
    FG:Classic/Unity Ultimate License Holder

  5. #5
    What about having an option for both? Don't make it a permanent effect, maybe in settings have a switch to round up, round down, do nothing.

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