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  1. #1

    Chill RPG setting?

    Has anyone created a setting for the Chill RPG? If not, any tips on where to start to try it myself?

  2. #2
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    Never heard of it. Try a Site Search and if that doesn't turn it up also check the Forge.

    If nothing shows up, I would suggest you look into XCore; Introducing the new XCore Ruleset (fantasygrounds.com)
    I would suggest you consider just using it as is and setup a character sheet. Then you can look into creating a theme for it if you don't like what's avilable. Then if you want to add more automation etc, you can write an extension.

    Or, you can develop your entirely own ruleset, probably based off of CoreRPG. You would start here; Developer Guide - Fantasy Grounds Customer Portal - Confluence (atlassian.net)
    and then consider if you wanted to use RulesetWizard or not; Ruleset Wizard - The new Ruleset development environment (fantasygrounds.com)

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    Note, I am not a SmiteWorks employee or representative, I'm just a user like you.

  3. #3

  4. #4

  5. #5

    It's a percentage system. Eight attributes, Willpower and Stamina are tracked. You roll your attribute, a skill, or a specialization. You can have a high/low success (less than half/more than half of target number), or a colossal success (any roll of doubles under your target number). You can only roll a failure or a critical failure (again, doubles, but above your target number). (Similar to Call of Cthulhu rolling)

  6. #6
    damned's Avatar
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    Out of the box XCore supports a simple Rollunder mechanic without all the extra success level reporting.


    Also see the doco here:

    And look at the couple of posts above if you would like to create a specific roll that:

    Checks if the roll is less than 50% of the target,
    if 11,22,33,44,55,66,77,88,99 is rolled and is less than target
    if 11,22,33,44,55,66,77,88,99 is rolled and is more than target
    then you can add extra success/failure level messages

  7. #7
    damned's Avatar
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    Out of the box XCore supports a simple Rollunder mechanic without all the extra success level reporting.

    Also see the doco here:

    And look at the couple of posts above if you would like to create a specific roll that:

    Checks if the roll is less than 50% of the target,
    if 11,22,33,44,55,66,77,88,99 is rolled and is less than target
    if 11,22,33,44,55,66,77,88,99 is rolled and is more than target
    then you can add extra success/failure level messages


  8. #8
    Nice! Thanks.

    Since we're talking about the system, there is also light/dark tokens that the players and GM can flip that sit on the table for special effects. Is there something that can represent that?

  9. #9

  10. #10

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