1. #1

    Any tips for flashback scenarios?

    Hi, I'm playing a CoC campaign set in the 1920s and we're about to start Horror on the Orient Express. Some of the scenarios (such as The Blood Red Fez and Reign of Terror) are set in non-1920s timelines with pre-generated characters. Does anyone have any suggestions for the easiest/best way to run these scenarios? Is it going to create a mess if I just load everything up as we get to it into our main campaign and add the pre-generated characters next to the current player characters, or would it be better, for example, to create a new campaign for each of the non "main timeline" stuff or when characters that aren't the main player characters are going to be used?

    Thanks in advance for any thoughts!

    Edit: Just as a note, given the specific pacing of HotOE, I was thinking of using the in-game calendar, which I haven't done so far, which is whats prompted me to think about jumping around in time a bit.
    Last edited by q00t; April 15th, 2024 at 21:17.

  2. #2
    damned's Avatar
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    Dont run separate campaigns. Load the pre-gens into the campaign only when you need them. Once the players are done with them have them release the pregen and then you can right click them and take ownership so the players dont see them again.

  3. #3
    Okidoke, I'll give it a go, thanks!

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