1. #1

    Prime requisite xp bonus?

    Does the rule set automatically calculate the bonus xp prime stat and xp from gold or do i need to do that myself?

    Thank you.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by M0d1usPy View Post
    Does the rule set automatically calculate the bonus xp prime stat and xp from gold or do i need to do that myself?

    Thank you.
    Click on the magnifying glass next to xp needed. Type in the xp bonus amount%. Now each time you get xp make sure the xp Granted amount is correct and click the green plus apply button. It add's the % and puts the new total on your character sheet.

  3. #3
    You can also drag treasure parcels to the XP tab of the party sheet and it will calculate the gold xp automatically.

  4. #4
    Amazing, thank you both for your answers it's much appreciated.

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