The use of Generative AI for artwork and text in marketing info, NPC images & tokens, or in website work is something that SmiteWorks believes can be a valuable addition to our team and it can be done in an ethical manner. If we find additional uses of generative AI that will help improve the experience of the user, we will continue to explore those with an eye towards ethical applications. We understand that some generative AI is exploitive. We want to avoid using any of those as we pursue advancement of our technology and offerings. Our commitment to ethical practices, especially in the use of advanced technologies like AI, is paramount. In our efforts to integrate AI-generated art, we've chosen to partner with ChatGPT and DALL-E, which are developed by OpenAI, a leader in ethical AI research and development. We also utilize generative AI within Adobe Photoshop. Adobe only trains on its own stock art library.

As this discussion is centered around the use of generative AI, it seems appropriate to utilize chatGPT itself to describe the approach it takes and why we believe this is a good choice for SmiteWorks.

OpenAI is committed to developing AI in a way that is safe, transparent, and respects copyright and creative rights. This includes:

1. Responsible Data Use: OpenAI ensures that the training process for technologies like ChatGPT and DALL-E respects the rights of creators. They have outlined their approach to data and model training, focusing on minimizing the impact on individual creators while advancing the state of AI art generation in a responsible manner.

2. Transparency and Engagement: OpenAI actively engages with the community and stakeholders, including artists and creators, to understand concerns and adapt their practices. They are transparent about their methodologies and the steps they take to mitigate potential ethical issues.

3. Continuous Improvement: The AI models are regularly updated to reflect ethical considerations and feedback from various communities, including the art community. OpenAI is dedicated to refining their approach to ensure it aligns with evolving ethical standards.

For those interested in learning more about OpenAI’s ethical framework and their commitment to responsible AI development, we encourage exploring the following resources:

  • OpenAI’s Charter: A document that outlines OpenAI's principles around the deployment of AI technologies in a manner that benefits society.
  • OpenAI’s Ethics and Society: A detailed look into how OpenAI integrates ethical considerations into their AI research and development processes.
  • DALL-E and Creative Rights: An article that discusses how OpenAI navigates the intersection of AI-generated art and creative rights.

We hope this information addresses your concerns and demonstrates our commitment to ethical practices in integrating AI-generated art into our program. We believe in the positive potential of AI to enhance creativity and innovation, and we strive to implement these technologies in a way that respects the rights and contributions of artists and creators worldwide.
