Starfinder Playlist
  1. #1

    "Players_Map" for WBtW are black even for DM

    Hello! thanks for taking the time to help with the issue.

    Basically, my group have been playing WBtW for a few months without a hitch. I went to prep motherhorn today only to find all the maps for Yon/Thither/Hither and anything else that is a "Player_Map" is black even for me the DM. I see all icons/Pins/my hex grid crawl that I made. I have checked lightning, reloaded the modules several times but nothing works. If I open the DM_YON or any other map i see the background image. I have no idea what else to do.

    I opened up CoS and other modules and those player maps work fine, it's only WBtW that is having issues. image of Yon blank with the hex grid and even a token placed.

  2. #2
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