Starfinder Playlist

Thread: Savage Worlds

  1. #1

    Savage Worlds

    I was playing this yesterday and it seemed all OK.
    Today there was an update.
    My map has no top bit now ,I cannot open the options there ,since they are invisible.

    I have the really old Savage Worlds that i bought in 2015,
    however when i started a game I picked Adventure edition rules ,rather than explorer edition rules.
    It was working OK yesterday.

  2. #2
    Initially I only checked Savage Worlds ruleset.

    BUT -
    I just started another ruleset ,this time 13th AGE.
    I had the same problem.
    I will check my other rulesets (I have quite a few)-
    I think the latest Test Channel update has done something to the top bit of the map panel.
    It may of effected all rulesets.

  3. #3
    I worked out the small mode of the map is fine,
    but if I click on the arrow to expand the map I am stuck in the middle sized map mode ,since the map option tab in this size is invisible.
    Sample screen from my 5e game ,where the small map is all OK.

  4. #4
    I just pushed a quick fix for the maximized/full screen map toolbar missing.


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