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  1. #11
    pindercarl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by seanny View Post
    5 screens in this link.

    I am getting like a ghost image when I move my characters.
    For one character I have a unique CAMERA image and different images for PORTRAIT and FLAT .
    She seems to be the hardest hit.
    But my other characters are effected too.
    I assume the unique 3d image is the culprit.

    Normal view in 3d.

    When I grab her to move.

    It also effects 2d map mode as seen in 1 of my 1st screen link.

    The ghost image (square portrait) for my cat woman character was initially really big as shown in one of my screens ,then became small sized as seen in my other screens (I closed the map and reopened the map via clicking on the combat tracker after restarting the campaign) -this at least got rid of the huge ghost image.

    I have checked my 5E game as well,
    seems like a similar issue there.

    I checked my 2E game ,and had a slight problem there ,it would not start at all. This seems to be a unique AD&D2E problem.
    Just glad my 13th Age game runs pretty good in comparison.
    Do you have the log files for when the 3D token error occurs? If not, could you grab them if it happens again? Thanks.

  2. #12
    How do I get the log files?

    The ghost image still is happening when I move a figure in 3d ,but is a small square only -has this always been the case? When you grab a figure in 3d or 2d a small square (ghost portrait greyed out) appears inside the figure. This seems to happen in all my rulesets ,not just 13th AGE.
    Its not that major - I can live with it. The big portrait ghost has not reappeared as yet.

    Some Good News-
    My AD&D2E issue has been resolved.
    That ruleset works in Test Channel again now.

  3. #13
    You can get the log files after an error occurs by typing /console, and clicking the Compile Logs button to generate a zip with all the log files.


  4. #14
    pindercarl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by seanny View Post
    How do I get the log files?

    The ghost image still is happening when I move a figure in 3d ,but is a small square only -has this always been the case? When you grab a figure in 3d or 2d a small square (ghost portrait greyed out) appears inside the figure. This seems to happen in all my rulesets ,not just 13th AGE.
    Its not that major - I can live with it. The big portrait ghost has not reappeared as yet.

    Some Good News-
    My AD&D2E issue has been resolved.
    That ruleset works in Test Channel again now.
    The small image is expected behavior. It is the drag object for the token. We'll need to have a discussion about whether we want the drag object to continue to be displayed when in the 3D view.

  5. #15
    Thank you for your informative replies.

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