1. #1

    Folder button in Assets

    I'm not sure if it is a bug or a feature but when i browse my assets, let's say for example in All/Data/Host/alien, when I click the folder button, windows open the root of my Fantasy grounds folder (c:/user/Appdata/Roaming/Smiteworks/FantasyGrounds), not the folder where I am in (alien for this example).
    It would be really nice to have it opening the folder where the images really are (even if it is in the vault, it at least tell me to stop searching for a file I couldn't open). I understand that it probably could not open multiple windows (if I search "fire" for example there is a lot of folders to open in windows to locate all the assets. Perhaps it is why FGU only open is root folder?

  2. #2
    It depends on the Asset Type selected at the top level of the Assets window.
    If Tokens/Images selected, it opens the campaign folder.
    If All/Portraits selected, it opens the root data folder.

    All asset types can be placed in the FG data folder to be used across all campaigns.


  3. #3
    Ok thanks, I need to be more carefull when placing my images, because it is sometimes difficult to find were they really are. I will put a wish on the FG wish list to have a scroll over fonctionnality that indicate the windows path of the asset you point with the mouse, or something like that.

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