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  1. #1

    OFFICIAL - E20 Transformers RPG Bug Report Thread

    Please post bugs related to the ruleset here. Please provide as much detail as possible. This would include steps taken before bug/error appears and images of the console output or issue. Also please ensure you are disabling all extensions and testing again prior to reporting bugs/errors. If this resolves the issue, then it would be best to report the issue in the extension's thread instead.

    When reporting please use the tips from this post to help give as much information as needed:
    How to Report Issues, Bugs, and Problems
    "If you love it, mod it."
    Ruleset Developer

  2. #2
    Here are a couple of things that I've encountered.

    For player character sheets:
    --Doesn't seem possible to remove Origin, Role or Focus. Really only a problem if you change your mind after adding them.
    --Equipping an Armor Matrix does not change the defense values on the Main sheet (like Toughness). You can of course go in and put the modifier in the Bonus field but feels like equipping the armor should do that for you.
    --This may not be a bug at all but thought I would mention it; increasing level doesn't automatically add the perks obtained at various levels (like the level 3 Focus perk). I feel this probably ISN'T a bug but just in case...

    --Conditioning skill does not automatically increase Health (but since this is an editable field that may be on purpose?)
    --When skills are added to the sheet they are automatically added at a an extra die level. This can cause a point imbalance when skills are automatically added from Roles/Focus and Origins. Adding them with no die type or die type increase would help that.
    --Doesn't give you a choice of what skill to pick form Origin or Role, just adds all skills Focus *does* give you the skill choice option.. This contributes to the previous issue about skills causing a point imbalance.

    --Unable to remove Character Traits (Hangups / Benefits / Influences)
    --Unable to remove Botmode Perks
    And yep, I did try going into Edit Mode but that seems to only allow me to edit the Defense Matrix stuff.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Nightchilde2 View Post
    Here are a couple of things that I've encountered.

    For player character sheets:
    --Doesn't seem possible to remove Origin, Role or Focus. Really only a problem if you change your mind after adding them.
    --Equipping an Armor Matrix does not change the defense values on the Main sheet (like Toughness). You can of course go in and put the modifier in the Bonus field but feels like equipping the armor should do that for you.
    --This may not be a bug at all but thought I would mention it; increasing level doesn't automatically add the perks obtained at various levels (like the level 3 Focus perk). I feel this probably ISN'T a bug but just in case...

    --Conditioning skill does not automatically increase Health (but since this is an editable field that may be on purpose?)
    --When skills are added to the sheet they are automatically added at a an extra die level. This can cause a point imbalance when skills are automatically added from Roles/Focus and Origins. Adding them with no die type or die type increase would help that.
    --Doesn't give you a choice of what skill to pick form Origin or Role, just adds all skills Focus *does* give you the skill choice option.. This contributes to the previous issue about skills causing a point imbalance.

    --Unable to remove Character Traits (Hangups / Benefits / Influences)
    --Unable to remove Botmode Perks
    And yep, I did try going into Edit Mode but that seems to only allow me to edit the Defense Matrix stuff.

    -I can add in an option to remove the links, but everything it put onto your sheet for you would not be able to be removed. It would be better to just make a new character sheet.
    -Equipping armor and gear could automate it, but there are cases where we may not want to. Opening it up to players and seeing how they use it should happen first and then that can be automated. These records are getting an update in GI JOE so be easier to customize, set, and read in automatically.
    -Increasing your level won't automatically put things on your sheet in case homebrew games want to do something else. If your level goes up, re-drag your Role/Role-Focus onto your sheet and it'll update with anything missing between your last registered level and the new level.

    -Conditioning is the only official skill that uses the numerical [+1/+2/+3/...] setting, but GMs can make their own. So that was not directly linked to health on purpose.
    -Skills coming in at d2 was talked about during testing and many agreed they preferred the d2 entry. You can CTRL+CLICK to go backwards instead of having to cycle through all the dice.
    -Your characters form is based on your Origin. For example, the Cutter origin is a boating-craft. Rainmaker is normally a military vehicle. Champions are usually sports cars and luxury vehicles. Etc. They detail that for each origin.

    -There are edit/remove options on the page, but they seem to be unlinked from the edit mode button. This will get fixed. Can you right-click and choose to remove a single entry with the radial menu?
    - Same with botmode perks. This will get fixed. Try right-clicking and removing with the radial menu for now.

    Thank you for the post! Some of this is intended but some of it is great feedback and I'll look into it this week.
    "If you love it, mod it."
    Ruleset Developer

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Tarkonian View Post
    -I can add in an option to remove the links, but everything it put onto your sheet for you would not be able to be removed. It would be better to just make a new character sheet.
    -Equipping armor and gear could automate it, but there are cases where we may not want to. Opening it up to players and seeing how they use it should happen first and then that can be automated. These records are getting an update in GI JOE so be easier to customize, set, and read in automatically.
    -Increasing your level won't automatically put things on your sheet in case homebrew games want to do something else. If your level goes up, re-drag your Role/Role-Focus onto your sheet and it'll update with anything missing between your last registered level and the new level.

    -Conditioning is the only official skill that uses the numerical [+1/+2/+3/...] setting, but GMs can make their own. So that was not directly linked to health on purpose.
    -Skills coming in at d2 was talked about during testing and many agreed they preferred the d2 entry. You can CTRL+CLICK to go backwards instead of having to cycle through all the dice.
    -Your characters form is based on your Origin. For example, the Cutter origin is a boating-craft. Rainmaker is normally a military vehicle. Champions are usually sports cars and luxury vehicles. Etc. They detail that for each origin.
    Fair enough. I kinda felt that was the case on some of those but thought juuuust in case.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tarkonian View Post
    -There are edit/remove options on the page, but they seem to be unlinked from the edit mode button. This will get fixed. Can you right-click and choose to remove a single entry with the radial menu?
    - Same with botmode perks. This will get fixed. Try right-clicking and removing with the radial menu for now.
    If I right click I just get the Export Record, Minimize and Exit Window options.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tarkonian View Post
    Thank you for the post! Some of this is intended but some of it is great feedback and I'll look into it this week.
    Thank you for making an (some) awesome rule set(s)

  5. #5
    I'm baaaaack. :-D

    It looks like Shifts aren't working (up or down) when entered into the Shifts box in the lower left corner of the screen between the Edge/Snag buttons and the S-Points (GM) field. I tried it with multiple skills as well as with skills that have Specializations with both a Threat and a PC. Shifts work just fine when added for attacks under Attack Prompts in Combat Tracker, just not from the main screen.

    Another thing I noticed is that when dragging a die roll over to the Dice Tower it automatically rolls as if there is a Specialty, even if there is no Specialty involved. I tested this with both a Threat and a PC and it does it with either. It behaves similarly if dragging a die roll over from the sheet to the chat area (again even for skills that don't have a Specialty listed)

    Party sheet, Vehicles. After assigning a driver attempting to synch the default skills I get an error (and the skills don't synch): Script execution error: [string "HAS20CORE:..vehicle_list_defaultskills.lua"]:19:createWindow: Unable to create window.
    Same error if I try to synch the default skills without having a driver assigned to a vehicle (but kind of expected an error in that instance) but it's the same error if that helps. HOWEVER on the Combat Tracker I can click the Synch Pilot button after assigning a pilot and it seems to work just fine
    Party sheet vehicle and pets tab are both just named Other. :-)

    Not so much a bug as just a typo. The Technologist Perk is spelled Technologest.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Nightchilde2 View Post
    I'm baaaaack. :-D

    It looks like Shifts aren't working (up or down) when entered into the Shifts box in the lower left corner of the screen between the Edge/Snag buttons and the S-Points (GM) field. I tried it with multiple skills as well as with skills that have Specializations with both a Threat and a PC. Shifts work just fine when added for attacks under Attack Prompts in Combat Tracker, just not from the main screen.

    Another thing I noticed is that when dragging a die roll over to the Dice Tower it automatically rolls as if there is a Specialty, even if there is no Specialty involved. I tested this with both a Threat and a PC and it does it with either. It behaves similarly if dragging a die roll over from the sheet to the chat area (again even for skills that don't have a Specialty listed)

    Party sheet, Vehicles. After assigning a driver attempting to synch the default skills I get an error (and the skills don't synch): Script execution error: [string "HAS20CORE:..vehicle_list_defaultskills.lua"]:19:createWindow: Unable to create window.
    Same error if I try to synch the default skills without having a driver assigned to a vehicle (but kind of expected an error in that instance) but it's the same error if that helps. HOWEVER on the Combat Tracker I can click the Synch Pilot button after assigning a pilot and it seems to work just fine
    Party sheet vehicle and pets tab are both just named Other. :-)

    Not so much a bug as just a typo. The Technologist Perk is spelled Technologest.
    --The shifting issues were pointed on the Discord and they've been fixed and will be in the upcoming patch.

    --The dragging dice and throwing specialty dice every time I can confirm and will have to look at.

    --Are you trying to sync the default skills on the Vehicle record itself? That's for making a copy of the defaults the vehicles base stats as they're being created.
    I will make that more clear and hide those buttons. They're not meant to be used to sync to other characters/npcs. That only happens on the Combat Tracker.

    --Party Sheet tabs will have "Garage" and "Kennel" tags soon.

    --Typo fixed. Ty.
    "If you love it, mod it."
    Ruleset Developer

  7. #7
    Okie dokie..just installed the backup.

    --Radial to delete Perks in alt mode works; bot mode screen still won't give me the right-click radial
    --Shift and Dice Tower now work great. Thanks!
    --Dragging dice seem to be working fine now.

    Thanks for squashing those!

  8. #8

    Specialization roll

    Hello, I noticed something today that I think is a problem so I figured i would bring it here. When I do a specialization role from the skills tab it works perfectly. It adds the d20 with the highest number rolled on the other dice. However, when I use a weapon that is specialized it shows the correct value as the total, but it applies the total of all the dice together against the opponent. So, for example, I rolled d20 -15, d6 -5, d4-2, d2 -1. The system gave me a total of 20 which is correct. However, it applies 23 against the defense of the opponent. I am new to the system so it might be my misunderstanding but I thought I would check here. Thank you.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by gwd005 View Post
    Hello, I noticed something today that I think is a problem so I figured i would bring it here. When I do a specialization role from the skills tab it works perfectly. It adds the d20 with the highest number rolled on the other dice. However, when I use a weapon that is specialized it shows the correct value as the total, but it applies the total of all the dice together against the opponent. So, for example, I rolled d20 -15, d6 -5, d4-2, d2 -1. The system gave me a total of 20 which is correct. However, it applies 23 against the defense of the opponent. I am new to the system so it might be my misunderstanding but I thought I would check here. Thank you.
    I haven't seen this, but I'll test it this weekend and see if I can recreate it and find out what could be happening.
    "If you love it, mod it."
    Ruleset Developer

  10. #10

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