Fantasy Grounds Merchandise
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  1. #21
    damned's Avatar
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    Compare my zip to yours. One of three things is most likely.

    1. You didnt use ZIP you used some other compression method
    2. You included the root folder in the zip - dont. Get all the contents and sub-folders but not the parent folder.
    3. You didnt change it back to a .ext - if your operating system is not displaying file extensions then it may actually be and you just cant see the .zip

    Other things to do - change the extension display name and change the filename so any updates to my Forge products dont overwrite your changes.

    Oh and please share some screenshots when done!

  2. #22
    Hi, I´ve tried it again and the same result, I´m not sure what I´m doing wrong, I will attach an image with the steps, first I take the XCoreTheme.ext and change it to .zip then I extract it and I created another blank folder to copy only the contents of the XCoreTheme folder to my new folder and I renamed it to LCODATHEME, then I changed the images I wanted to be in the theme and I edited just a couple of fields in the xtension.xml using notepad++, after editing those things and saved them I compressed the folder again into .zip and then changed it to .ext, and I copied to the extensions folder of FGU. If you need more details I´ll gladly provide them. Thank you so much for your help.
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  3. #23

  4. #24
    Hello again and sorry for the delay, it´s just my work sometimes doesn´t give me a lot of free time, I´ve just tried what you told me and it's still the same, here is the extension file. Thank you so much for the help
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  5. #25

  6. #26
    damned's Avatar
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    You also edited charsheet frame and broke it. It doesnt look like you needed to change anything. reset the offset to what is in the sample file.

  7. #27
    Thank you I started all over again, and I think I´m really lost, seems like I don´t know what I´m doing, so here are some steps that I´m doing, I didn´t edited charsheet, so most likely I´m doing it wrong.
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  8. #28
    damned's Avatar
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    Stopping including the parent folder when you zip it back up.

    You changed this frame definition I think:

      <framedef name="charsheet">
        <bitmap file="graphics/frames/charsheet.png" />
    But the lack of offset is breaking it visually.

  9. #29
    I finally understood, sorry to be such a newbie, but I finally got it what you meant I was zipping my parent folder, It finally worked, and about the charsheet offset I did download the original sample theme again and the code is just like that I didn´t change anything, in any case, it worked now, thank you so much.

  10. #30
    First off, massive thanks for the help you've already given me; it's been a huge boost! Now, if it's not too much trouble, I could really use a bit more guidance. Specifically, I'm trying to figure out the best way to go about building this module. Is there a certain order you'd recommend? For instance, I know I can kick things off with just the character sheets for playtesting, but as I dive deeper, I'm curious about the next steps. Should I jump into using a module builder first, or is it better to start fleshing out NPCs, races, or classes? I'm aiming to make sure everything—lore, info, you name it—is neatly organized and easily accessible for the players. And another thing, is this something I can manage with the built-in tools, or is there a need for an extension to get it all done right? Thanks a ton for any advice or pointers you can share; it really means a lot!

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