Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
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  1. #11
    Sounds like you have a lot of NPCs in mods and it’s blowing up your db.xm

  2. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Brotherkelly View Post
    Update to my last post. The character selected by the client becomes available after about 3 minutes. as does the full list of characters in the character window. The initial startup seems to be really slow.

    Also, after the first shape change (either option), when cycling through to a different option (wildshape to polymorph, etc) takes about 10 seconds.

    Another thing I have noticed is that the natural weapon attacks are not being listed in the weapons section of the Actions tab, contrary to what is shown in the description on the Forge.

    Fianlly, can you tell me where it is getting the list of creatures to select from?
    @Brotherkelly, thank you for this, as far as i can tell it's probably the amount of modules you are loading that may be creating the lag, In my testing I did not have 120 modules loaded, i only had loaded what was needed. Can you zip the folder for the campaign and send it to me so i can sort this out?
    FG License: Unity Ultimate License
    Timezone: -5 EST/EDT

  3. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by MyGivinOpinion View Post
    @Brotherkelly, thank you for this, as far as i can tell it's probably the amount of modules you are loading that may be creating the lag, In my testing I did not have 120 modules loaded, i only had loaded what was needed. Can you zip the folder for the campaign and send it to me so i can sort this out?
    When I don't have the wildshape extension loaded the character selection is almost instant.

    I will check the number of modules loaded and look to send you the zipped campaign.

  4. #14
    You are really asking a lot at this point but here you go:
    - Aura Effects
    - Better Combat Effects Gold
    - Combat Timer
    -Dropped Order
    - Effect Builder
    - Effective NPC
    - Extraplanar Containers
    - Friend Zone
    - Kit'N'kaboodle
    - Moon Tracker
    - Natural Selection
    - Optical Referendum
    - Prepared Enhancement
    - Requested rolls
    - Stage whisper
    - Stealth tracker
    - token height indication
    - Coin Converter
    - Expanded NPCs
    - Generic Actions FGU
    - Equipped effects FGU
    - Map Parcel FGU
    - Action Tracker
    - Chat Effects
    - NPC flavors
    - Legendary Assistant
    - Sharing is caring
    - Undo Last
    - Calendar Plus
    - Coin Flip
    - Initiative Indicator
    - Wound Overlay
    - Fen's NPC Portrait Workaround
    - Hero point 5e
    - MNM Core
    - MNM Forge Upgrader
    - MNM Module UI
    - MNM Party Combat stats
    - MNM Player Journal
    - Name maker
    - Random Spellbook 5e
    - Rolling Mirror
    - Shops
    - Syrinscape Sounds

    My problom was exactly as the person in the next post had but with a lot more extensions it seems. I turned off your extension, then it went back to normal but I and all the players, had to reload all the modules.

  5. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by MyGivinOpinion View Post
    @Brotherkelly, thank you for this, as far as i can tell it's probably the amount of modules you are loading that may be creating the lag, In my testing I did not have 120 modules loaded, i only had loaded what was needed. Can you zip the folder for the campaign and send it to me so i can sort this out?
    @MyGivinOpinion, the player is only loading 24 modules. not sure where you got the 120 modules from.

    I will send you the campaign folder tonight.

  6. #16
    Responses to both of you are posted below.

    In your log you can see the modules loaded twice, once at the beginning here.

    And again when you connect to your server as a client.
    brother client.png

    What confuses me is what comes after.
    brother network.png

    I'm not sure if this is how long it's taking to load these. I'm actively trying to figure that out. I look forward to going over the campaign to see what is going on. Thank you for your patience.

    @Lord Chrono
    You may have a similar issue, but I'll need a log from you to be able to tell if you want speed it up you could bundle that up with your campaign folder so I can look into that as well. I do however see that you are using an extension that is no longer supported. Token Height was implemented into FGU as the extension developer mentions it in the post.
    FG License: Unity Ultimate License
    Timezone: -5 EST/EDT

  7. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by MyGivinOpinion View Post
    Responses to both of you are posted below.

    In your log you can see the modules loaded twice, once at the beginning here.

    And again when you connect to your server as a client.
    brother client.png

    What confuses me is what comes after.
    brother network.png

    The first 2 images are the total # of modules the GM has in the modules folder, not the number loaded. This has very little impact on players or the GM because all FGU does is makes a list of the items in it, not loading anything else.

    The last image has to do with requesting info, it has to do with the size of the requested item. So if the GM shared an item like an NPC on a map, or a map itself etc, you will see a network request and data sent.

    Loading 24 modules shouldn't be super hard (its a bit but not a great amount) however, with this EXT the # of NPCs is important as this EXT clones those NPCs from a module an puts them in the DB.

  8. #18
    Thanks for the info. And I'm suspecting that the amount of monsters cloned is the issue, I am already hard at work on revamping the whole system as we speak @MrDDT. So what you have said is already about to be out of date here soon. A clearing of the database file will be implemented into the code so that any prior existing database clones will be removed simply upon launching the new update so that no subscriber has to enter any of the files for editing.
    FG License: Unity Ultimate License
    Timezone: -5 EST/EDT

  9. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by MrDDT View Post
    The first 2 images are the total # of modules the GM has in the modules folder, not the number loaded. This has very little impact on players or the GM because all FGU does is makes a list of the items in it, not loading anything else.

    The last image has to do with requesting info, it has to do with the size of the requested item. So if the GM shared an item like an NPC on a map, or a map itself etc, you will see a network request and data sent.

    Loading 24 modules shouldn't be super hard (its a bit but not a great amount) however, with this EXT the # of NPCs is important as this EXT clones those NPCs from a module an puts them in the DB.
    I wasn't aware of this regarding the NPCs. I will check my db file to confirm.

  10. #20
    There is no need @Brotherkelly I just said it is that way and won't be on the next update.
    FG License: Unity Ultimate License
    Timezone: -5 EST/EDT

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