1. #1

    Questions about dice rolls in Pathfinder 1e in Unity

    My gaming group hasn't played Pathfinder since Fantasy Grounds Classic but decided to play it again in Unity and I have some things we can't figure out that all revolve around rolling dice. Combat seems to work fine, we drop our attack and damage dice on the monster and everything works like it did in Classic (so far, we only played one night). In Classic, if I remember right, when we rolled initiative the chat window showed what we rolled plus our initiative modifier and the total of the two but in Unity it just seems to just show the die roll with no initiative modifier added in the chat window but it puts the roll plus modifier in the combat tracker. Initiative is no big deal because the combat tracker gets it right. Where the real problem we run into is rolling just about anything else. Our Rogue had to make a Disable Device roll and whether he double clicked on it on his character sheet or dragged the dice to the chat window we just get the die roll with no modifier showing or added in the chat window. The same happens with any skill or ability score check (i.e. the GM asks me to make a Knowledge skill check and with my ranks and ability score modifiers I have a +6 to my roll but just the die roll shows and not the +6 or the total. The same happens if I put a number in the modifier box in the bottom left. We looked in options but didn't see anything to fix this. All of the players and our GM find this frustrating. Is there something we are missing?

  2. #2
    Trenloe's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Colorado, USA
    Seems like you may be having an issue with themes resulting in the total dice roll not showing - like shown in this recent post: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forum...l=1#post701080

    Check which themes you're running - only run one theme at a time.
    If your issue isn't similar to the one in the linked post above, then please provide a screenshot showing the issue.
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