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  1. #11
    Yeah release this spring when the books go out. It is basically done just waiting on some theme elements

  2. #12
    It really should be any day now.

    It seems Bayne7400 already has it ready to go on FG, but needs to wait till the official release to put it up.

    I backed it at the highest level a year and a half ago. I the wait has made me feel like one of the British soldiers on the beach of Dunkirk waiting for an evacuation boat.

    (Ok, I actually just pissed myself off with that analogy. Good god that was overdramatic)

    EDIT: Didn't see Bayne's post. Super excited. If it's half as good as your OSE conversion it'll be great
    Last edited by Tatertron; December 7th, 2024 at 17:27.

  3. #13
    Looks like these are going to be submitted for review as soon as I can upload. Necrotic Gnome wants to release when the books ship.

  4. #14

  5. #15
    yup was submitted this morning. I'm going to start making some videos I think

  6. #16

  7. #17

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