Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
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  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by bayne7400 View Post
    It was my original plan but I've had some personal things come up and my plate is pretty full at the moment.
    Sorry to ask this on the Traveller section, but curious if Runequest is dead in the water or on yours or someone else's (long term?) to-do list?
    I totally understand personal things come first but it looked like it was pretty close to being done and had been sent off for testing. So unless it came back with a significant list of errors, I'm surprised it's been dropped so close to the finish line.

  2. #22
    The message he posted on the Mongoose forums (and I copied up above) is that he will be working exclusively on Mongoose products for now.

    Obviously I cannot answer for other plans, just relaying what was posted.
    We do not stop playing because we grow old.
    We grow old because we stop playing.

  3. #23
    its welcome news for sure
    Ultimate License Holder & FGU backer
    playing D&D since 1980

    Currently GMing:
    *Opus Christini Traveller campaign

    *Currently Playing
    *Currently Looking

  4. #24
    I don't suppose we have an idea as to when we will start seeing the refreshed core materials and/or new traveller products from Mongoose Mac?

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