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  1. #21
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by illahad View Post

    though I guess I could explain it clearer, I asked to see the loading message screenshot so that I can see the list of extensions that are loaded, so I can try to reproduce the issue. By the way,you can greately help with this, if you try to load first my extension alone, see if it works, and then add one by one other extensions that you want to use and check at what point it breaks.

    In the next couple of days I'll be busy, but I'll look at the problem later this week.

    IMO, it's usually just easier to ask for the person to Compile Logs and attach. The log will tell you all extensions loaded, plus other things as well that can help with troubleshooting.

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  2. #22
    I did some checking, since I have A LOT of exts, and checked in a new campaign enabling 4 at a time. After an hour, I reached the point where I had every same EXT enabled as in my normal campaign, but in the test campaign, the OVER X text always showed itself from start to finish, but in my normal campaign it doesnt. Despite having the same EXT enabled. So I reached the conclusion that 1) It's either not working on an ongoing campaign or 2) Manual options enabled/disabled in the options menu inside the campaign for the different EXTS somehow do not let this EXT work properly. Checking this options is gonna take some time

  3. #23
    ****ing lmao, it wasn't that long. Literally one of the first options I checked was the culprit. It is "Attack Prettifier" in the "Game" section of the Options menu

    This is the options. I disabled Attack Prettifier

    The top attack is when I had it activated
    The lower attack is when I disabled it

    Attack Prettifier is one of the options given by the EXT LAE5e
    Last edited by FedeBerserk; February 27th, 2024 at 15:08. Reason: added info

  4. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by FedeBerserk View Post
    ****ing lmao, it wasn't that long. Literally one of the first options I checked was the culprit. It is "Attack Prettifier" in the "Game" section of the Options menu

    This is the options. I disabled Attack Prettifier

    The top attack is when I had it activated
    The lower attack is when I disabled it

    Attack Prettifier is one of the options given by the EXT LAE5e
    Sorry for the delayed response, I thought I will have time on my vacation, but I had many other things to do )

    Thank you for checking it out! Right now the extension you've mentioned is not available on Forge (the link in the forum thread leads to an empty page with "This item is currently not available." message). When it becomes available, I'll check it. You can also contact the auhor of LAE5e and ask them to check, as it might be a problem on their side as well. There is a certain technique with overriding 5e ruleset functions that allows other extensions to do the same override, but when an extension doesn't use that technique it effectively prevents other extensions from working. But this is just a guess, it can be something else.

    Anyway, I'll check when the extension comes back online.

  5. #25
    A little update -- someone asked me to make the extension work with PF2e, which I did and starting from v.1.1.1 the extension works for PF2 ruleset as well.

    5e should be unaffected, but if you encounter any regressions please let me know.

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