Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
  1. #1
    Thelgor's Avatar
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    Jan 2019
    East Coast, USA

    Emerald City Now Available for FGU

    Mutants and Masterminds 3e Emerald City campaign setting is now on sale in the Fantasy Grounds Store and on Steam. Links are provided below. If you come across any problems with the content, please post your issue to this thread and I will work on getting it resolved. Thank you.

    Emerald City on Fantasy Grounds Store

    Emerald City on Steam

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Already purchased! I was just going to come here and post a thanks. I just need to finish running Fallout tonight and then take a look at it.
    GM Ultimate license

    Running The DemonPlague Characters at level 12 in 51th session.

    Running a Mutants and Masterminds game in FGU

    Playing a Savage Worlds Super game in FGU

    Running a game of Fallout 2d20

    StarFinder or Star Trek 2D20 next on list If Children of Atom doesn't come out soon.

    Going to be playing in a game of Champions on FGU very soon. I bought Gm copy of FGU a while ago and he is going to start running it.

  4. #4
    Excellent work on porting it to FG! Is this a sign we might get other books brought over?

  5. #5
    Thelgor's Avatar
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    Jan 2019
    East Coast, USA
    Currently, I'm not seeing anything in their ready-to-go product conversion list but that gets updated periodically. However, I believe it is possible to ask to do a conversion (not sure on this though). I would like to see the Gamemaster's Guide and Astonishing Adventures Assembled added though.

  6. #6
    I for sure can agree on the Gamemasters Guide. Gadgets Guide and the Rogue Gallery book would be amazing as well.

  7. #7
    hawkwind's Avatar
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    London Calling
    i see that for all the pre gen characters not one character has a 150 points build as fantasy grounds mis-calculates the powers cost (Usually)

  8. #8
    Thelgor's Avatar
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    Jan 2019
    East Coast, USA
    My difficulty with aligning The Sentinels stat block information to their character sheet was a major factor in my decision to include the PDF stat blocks as images.

  9. #9
    hawkwind's Avatar
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    Oct 2012
    London Calling
    That's how I noticed. I played around with using chat for to convert the xml output of hero lab to the xml of of a fantasy grounds character sheet. It's a work in progress......

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