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Thread: Update

  1. #11
    Just as a heads up. I don't see any updates to the IPFGAFF2EAGAFF01 product in the source control system except for my maintenance updates. (Nov 2021 - Aug 2023) This means that either we did not receive an update, or it was recently received and not applied.

    Make sure that you have the latest version of the ruleset code before making any changes (per my previous emails). If you submit changes to the old copy, we'll have to revert; and make sure you have the latest to apply your changes to. If you don't have source control access, then please ask James for a current copy of the ruleset files before making changes.


  2. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Arion View Post
    Hmmm, strange. There should be a weapon and armour button on the Item window.
    I know that there is another update being submitted today. I am not sure how long it will take to reach users, but when it does, I will check back with you.
    Did you manage to verify updates are being submitted correctly? Would like to know if we're likely to see an update any time soon.

  3. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Arion View Post
    Hmmm, strange. There should be a weapon and armour button on the Item window.
    I know that there is another update being submitted today. I am not sure how long it will take to reach users, but when it does, I will check back with you.
    Any news on when we’re likely to see the item fixes?

  4. #14
    I saw some code commits over the last week, so I know the developer/development is active again. I think they were working on a larger update including the items they mentioned they would look at, but it's not quite ready.


  5. #15
    Where would you see such updates? There are enough little problems with the ruleset that it is to the point that I have never actually been able to use the current system in a game.
    For example, weapons cannot be placed in parcels yet (just checked), so it is difficult to place treasures in locations that happen to be weapons.

    AFF is one of my favourite games, but, it is still not ready to use via VTT.

  6. #16
    They are behind the scenes commits to the source control we use. The last set of updates I received still had a few issues, so they haven't been released yet. I was just noting that I did see items being committed for review last week, so there is activity behind the scenes. Once the issues are resolved, I'm sure that the developer will post here.

    Note: I will be taking multiple rulesets including this one into beta channel only updates next week, so if the updates come after that, they may only be in beta channel for several weeks while we finalize the beta changes. More information will be in the Laboratory channel next week once I push the beta ruleset updates.


  7. #17
    Is there a chance to see what issues are being addressed?
    It would be nice to know if it is within the realm of possibility to have it working by the new year.

  8. #18
    I don't have visibility into that, as I'm neither familiar with the AFF system nor with what specific changes are being made. I just focus on making sure there are no error messages; and that the standard Core features and theming are working.


  9. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Dalton Calford View Post
    Is there a chance to see what issues are being addressed?
    It would be nice to know if it is within the realm of possibility to have it working by the new year.
    Hi Dalton. I've just pushed up hopefully my final changes based on feedback from Smiteworks. If that goes well, and assuming the queue is not too bad, the update will be out next week.

    This is a rough changelog of what the new update will contain:

    * Can now add your own armour and weapons.
    * Parcels armour and weapons dragged into a parcel should work now.
    * Items can have an effect when consumed, so you can create, for example, a Potion of Healing or Harming that automatically updates the Stamina points when consumed.
    * Added Sling, Spear to preset weapons.
    * NPC weapons now refresh the rollable hover as you type.
    * Fixed bug when rolling damage with modifiers.
    * Added combat magic option.
    * PC will get a chat message if they try to test luck but have no points left.
    * PC token will now show in chat for skill, magic and luck rolls.
    * PC token will now show when eating or sleeping.
    * Items can now be marked as consumable.
    * PC can double click on the count of an item in their inventory. If the item is consumable, if will reduce the count by one.
    * PC will get a chat message if they try to cast a spell with no MAGIC skill.
    * PC will get a chat message if they try to cast a spell with insufficient Magic Points.
    * Failing a Minor Magic spell now deducts 1 MP or 2 MP if critical failure.
    * Minor Magic receives a +6 to target roll.
    * Added missing maps and images to Out of the Pit.
    * Fixed typos, "todos" and missing images in the Core Book.
    * Fixed a few things in the Core Extras modules
    * Added a few things to prepare for new rules in Heroes Companion.

    Apologies this has taken so long. Real-life has been challenging lately.
    Last edited by eldarune; October 25th, 2023 at 10:52.

  10. #20
    I've pushed the changes to the Live channel that were provided by @eldarune. Please run a new Check for Updates to get the latest version.


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