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  1. #1

    Tokens can't see other tokens on the map with LOS turned on.

    I created a new SFRPG test campaign. I added two NPCs to the CT and made them visible then I connected a player and added the PC to the CT. I added the all tokens to the FG Battlemap. I turned off lighting and all tokens could see the map but none of the tokens could see any of the other tokens. I turned LOS off and then the tokens could see each other. I also tried an existing campaign and had the same results.
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  2. #2
    Tokens need to be claimed and selected and have either a torch or dark vision to see other tokens on a given map with LoS turned on. Make sure light sources are on or active. Make sure that the CT entries are set to visible as they usually start off as invisible. Make sure to claim the player token and select for vision through the specific PC character.
    Last edited by Laerun; September 25th, 2023 at 01:45.
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  3. #3
    pindercarl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ulric View Post
    I created a new SFRPG test campaign. I added two NPCs to the CT and made them visible then I connected a player and added the PC to the CT. I added the all tokens to the FG Battlemap. I turned off lighting and all tokens could see the map but none of the tokens could see any of the other tokens. I turned LOS off and then the tokens could see each other. I also tried an existing campaign and had the same results.
    I'm not able to reproduce this error using the steps outlines in the post. Are you running from the TEST channel or the LIVE channel? Could you provide your test campaign?

  4. #4
    I am in the TEST channel using the Starfinder ruleset. I created a clean campaign and also reproduced the problem using an existing campaign that was automatically transferred from the LIVE channel to the test channel. The GM and Player are on the same computer using localhost connection.
    Here is the new clean campaign without ext and LOS OFF and LOS ON.
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  5. #5
    pindercarl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ulric View Post
    I am in the TEST channel using the Starfinder ruleset. I created a clean campaign and also reproduced the problem using an existing campaign that was automatically transferred from the LIVE channel to the test channel. The GM and Player are on the same computer using localhost connection.
    Here is the new clean campaign without ext and LOS OFF and LOS ON.
    Thanks for the images. Can you attach a zipped copy of this campaign?

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by pindercarl View Post
    Thanks for the images. Can you attach a zipped copy of this campaign?
    Here you go.
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  7. #7
    pindercarl's Avatar
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    Thanks for posting the campaign. I'm not able to reproduce the issue with this campaign either. Token visibility is behaving as expected when LOS is enabled. Can you compile your logs after loading the campaign? (Use the chat command /console and click the "Compile Logs" button in the console window.) Thanks again.

  8. #8
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    Good news(?). Noticing that you are running a Mac, I fired up my very old Mac Mini and I am able to reproduce the error. I'll be taking a closer look at this, as it appears to be OS specific.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by pindercarl View Post
    Good news(?). Noticing that you are running a Mac, I fired up my very old Mac Mini and I am able to reproduce the error. I'll be taking a closer look at this, as it appears to be OS specific.
    Great! I'm glad I wasn't wasting your time.
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  10. #10
    The fix provided by @pindercarl has been pushed to the Test channel, if you want to update and make sure it's working for you.


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