Thread: Subscription

  1. #1


    Why is it impossible to cancel your subscription? I have to resort to submitting a ticket for a cancelation? It's 2023, get it together.

  2. #2
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    Cancellation is handled by PayPal. You need to log into your PayPal account and cancel it. If you purchased it as a guest and did not use a PayPal account, then PayPal has no way of knowing who you are and cancelling. In that case you have to go through Customer Support as PayPal does not provide an API to allow SmiteWorks to automate the process.

    edit: see Doug's response, it includes instructions on how to cancel via the FG Order History page.
    Last edited by LordEntrails; September 21st, 2023 at 21:07.

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  3. #3
    ddavison's Avatar
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    Nighwish, you can cancel your subscription by going to the Store > Order History page and clicking on Cancel next to your subscription. You can also cancel directly from PayPal. If you have any difficulty with that, you can contact support.fantasygrounds.com and they can assist you.

  4. #4
    Doug thank you for the solution. Had a player ask about it as a potential GM and when I told him hesaid he was shocked he didnt think of such an obvious solution. Much appreciated.

  5. #5
    ddavison's Avatar
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    No problem.

  6. #6
    Remember the Paypal system will cancel the sub the instant you hit cancel, not when the sub runs out. So make sure you are close to the end of the sub running out before canceling.

  7. #7

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    Quote Originally Posted by nightwish View Post
    Why is it impossible to cancel your subscription? I have to resort to submitting a ticket for a cancelation? It's 2023, get it together.
    All the information provided by the kind respondents makes me wonder what exactly you tried? Crossing your fingers and wishing out loud?

  8. #8
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    Closing this thread, the OP has received the information they need. They can reach out to support directly if they desire more engagement.

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    Note, I am not a SmiteWorks employee or representative, I'm just a user like you.

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