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Thread: Level Bonuses

  1. #1

    Level Bonuses

    Basically there are 2 options that were added to handle level bonuses so the GM can use any of the options in Character Law plus the groupings from RM Companion 2. You can find them in the Options, Optional Rules (GM) section.

    The first option is ChL #23: Level Bonus Grouping. It allows you to select None, Core, RM2 (Opt23.1), RMFRP (Opt23.2), or RM Companion II.
    * None - The players and GM have to manually set the level bonuses. This is only needed if one of the other options doesn't work.
    * Core - Uses the groupings from Character Law section 9.3. There are only 2: Combat and Spell.
    * RM2 (Opt23.1) - Uses the groupings from Character Law Optional rule 23.1.
    * RMFRP (Opt23.2) - Uses the groupings from Character Law Optional rule 23.2.
    * RM Companion II - Uses the groupings from Rolemaster Companion 2.

    The second option is ChL #23: Level Bonus Type. It allows you to select Core, Stepped (Opt23.3), or Static (Opt23.4).
    * Core - Uses the normal +1 to +3 per level from Character Law section 9.3.
    * Stepped (Opt23.3) - Uses a staggered approach to applying level bonuses as explained in Character Law Optional rule 23.3.
    * Static (Opt23.4) - Uses static level bonuses as explained in Character Law Optional rule 23.3.

    After those are set to what the GM wants to use in their campaign, it should automatically calculate the level bonuses appropriately for the skills in Character Law and RM Companion 1 (if it was bought from the FG store). If the GM wants to use skills from another companion, they just need to select which (if any group) the skill is a part of based on the option selected in ChL #23: Level Bonus Grouping. This will tell the ruleset which level bonus to use from the profession based on the skill grouping and optional rules selected. The GM can also change any skills they want to different groups by modifying the skills.

    The professions have the actual level bonuses. There is a separate tab L. Bonus That has each of the groupings with the groups for each grouping. That is where the level bonus is entered for the group. The ruleset will use what is selected in option ChL #23: Level Bonus Grouping to figure out which value to check for on the profession. Then it will figure out how and when to apply the level bonuses based on ChL #23: Level Bonus Type.

    After updating a skill or profession, the GM will need to right click on it and choose Share Sheet from the radial menu so that it gets pushed to the players copies.

    It isn't completely customizable but it is very flexible. Please let me know if that doesn't clear things up.
    Last edited by Dakadin; September 6th, 2023 at 00:13. Reason: Adding information about sharing the records

  2. #2
    Kungsarme's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2020
    Western, NY, USA
    This worked perfectly. Sorry for the confusion on my end, but this is perfectly customizeable to my groups needs and has worked flawlessly so far.

  3. #3
    That is great news.

  4. #4
    Kungsarme's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2020
    Western, NY, USA
    Ran into an issue, mah dude will be popping on this thread in a few minutes with technical details and what we did to try and center it to a specific thing.

  5. #5
    Hello, I am the player helping Kungsarme debug this level bonus issue. So while he was indeed able to modify the level bonuses per class, when I would log into the game and go open my character, and specifically check my skills tab, all of the level bonuses would immediately revert to the option default we had (i.e. RMC2). It is confusing because the GM (Kungsarme) should be the master system I am sync'ing to right? So how can _I_ as a lowly player system, override his settings?

    So we had the thought to unload/load modules on my side. This did not work. Then I just went to my cache and deleted the entire folder: C:\Users\<NAME>\AppData\Roaming\SmiteWorks\Fantasy Grounds\cache\The Shadow Begins\

    It took a while to come back in and redownload everything, but it "seemed" to work for a second. It seemed to use the level bonuses Kungsamre had modified on his side. It was in an odd state though and I have some screen shots to show this. The first one is showing ym level bonuses as Kungsarme expected them to be (ex: we made Base Spells +3 for the Mentalist). But when I would open the Mentalist level bonus tab and scroll to the bottom, it was showing the "by the book" as written bonuses. So that wasn't matching what we wanted. And then when I would drop down the class selection it showed 5 of every class (but you could only select one). So I reloaded the client one more time and it once again reverted all the level bonuses Kungsarme had modified the class to back to the RMC2 version. So for now we're going to have to "turn off" level bonuses and use the "misc" field to get things going, but any help or thoughts on what is going on here would be appreciated!

    Debug 1 of 3 - RM Character Level Bonuses Correct But Not Matching Mentalist.JPG
    Debug 2 of 3 - Five of Every Class.JPG
    Debug 3 of 3 - Level Bonuses Reverted Back Somehow.JPG

  6. #6
    The unload/load of the module will cause the drop down list to contain multiple values if you have it open while doing it. I've encountered it during testing. It happens because it is trying to update the drop down list with all the professions in all the modules you have loaded.

    Have the GM right click on the modified version of the Mentalist and choose the option on the left, Share Sheet. That should update the players copy of the record.

  7. #7
    OK that worked. For real this time. I can shut the game down and log back in and I still have the new class level bonuses. So that is terrific. Thanks for the help!

    Quote Originally Posted by Dakadin View Post
    The unload/load of the module will cause the drop down list to contain multiple values if you have it open while doing it. I've encountered it during testing. It happens because it is trying to update the drop down list with all the professions in all the modules you have loaded.

    Have the GM right click on the modified version of the Mentalist and choose the option on the left, Share Sheet. That should update the players copy of the record.

  8. #8
    Hi Dakadin, first of all thanks for your great work.
    We are playing with what I thought was an official rule somehow, but after some decades i am not able find it again. We had for the first ten levels the full LB per level(3,2,1), from 10th onwards the LB -1 per level (2,1,0) and again for levels 21-30 each level gains 1 for the ones that were initially at 3 (1,0,0 so to say).
    I already created an extension to cover this for now, but as I am not knowledgeable enough to make it an inline extension it replaces lots of your files and will not survive any update.
    Are there others interested in this option and/ or can someone point me to where i can find info on adding the option update-proof?

  9. #9
    Hi stubbel,

    Is that optional rule in any of the books? I am mainly curious.

    For an extension the trick would be to add an option to ChL #23: Level Bonus Type. Then just check for it in a modified version of the GetSkillLevelBonus function of the rules_skills.lua file. Then have it call your new function to calculate the bonuses.

    Please let me know if you have any questions.


  10. #10
    We play it like this for decades now, but i have to admit it might or might not be on the books somewhere … i could not find it now

    I have amended some of the ruleset files that provide the option, have the strings, the option check and the calculation and bundled these in an extension to “overwrite” the original ruleset files (whole files) so for now it is working fine.

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