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  1. #301
    Quote Originally Posted by Trenloe View Post
    There's a lot of changes going on in test and, yes, the PFRPG2 ruleset is not operational in test... yet.
    This being the case, is it at all useful of me to report new issues I find, or should I hold off?

    For example, currently opening the activities panel or favoriting an activity cases a spam of "attempt to call field setStringValue (a nil value)" errors.

  2. #302
    Separate bug report that I don't think is related to test channel (I could be wrong, I don't have an opportunity to test without being on the test channel right now): If spell damage is applied via "apply all effects", damage bonuses from DMGS don't seem to get applied to it.
    Last edited by MaxAstro; March 3rd, 2024 at 23:00.

  3. #303
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    Quote Originally Posted by MaxAstro View Post
    This being the case, is it at all useful of me to report new issues I find, or should I hold off?

    For example, currently opening the activities panel or favoriting an activity cases a spam of "attempt to call field setStringValue (a nil value)" errors.
    Please report any issues specific to the test channel in the laboratory forum, indicating which ruleset you're using. Thanks.
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  4. #304
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    Quote Originally Posted by MaxAstro View Post
    Separate bug report that I don't think is related to test channel (I could be wrong, I don't have an opportunity to test without being on the test channel right now): If spell damage is applied via "apply all effects", damage bonuses from DMGS don't get applied to it.
    Thank for letting me know. I think I know what's going on here... I'll review and hopefully get a fix soon.
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  5. #305
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    Quote Originally Posted by MaxAstro View Post
    For example, currently opening the activities panel or favoriting an activity cases a spam of "attempt to call field setStringValue (a nil value)" errors.
    This has been fixed in the test channel. Thanks for reporting. Please report any other issues with the test channel in the laboratory forum. Thanks.
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  6. #306
    A couple of things came up over a few sessions:

    The Hide activity has the wrong target. When clicked sets your CS and S as the target is hidden, not the person hiding. Needs to be changed to "To Targets" not to self. Otherwise it rolls the flat check as well.

    I'm getting a very odd thing with Sneak damage. If you use the Rogue Sneak Attack with the effect line "Sneak Attack; IFT: Target, flat-footed: DMG; 1d6 precision" then, for some reason, it DOUBLES the Precision dice. It shows up in the Chat as "4d6 precision, precision". If I change the "precision" in the effect line to anything else (I use Sneak) then it calculates it correctly and still says 2d6 precision in the chat. Not sure where that is coded to be doubling, but I have tested it with multiple rogue characters and get the same results. Not sure what I may be doing wrong.

  7. #307
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mythic3434 View Post
    The Hide activity has the wrong target. When clicked sets your CS and S as the target is hidden, not the person hiding. Needs to be changed to "To Targets" not to self. Otherwise it rolls the flat check as well.
    The activity record in the core rules (assuming you're using legacy products) was updated a few months ago. Re-add the base Hide activity to the PC and remove the old one.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mythic3434 View Post
    I'm getting a very odd thing with Sneak damage. If you use the Rogue Sneak Attack with the effect line "Sneak Attack; IFT: Target, flat-footed: DMG; 1d6 precision" then, for some reason, it DOUBLES the Precision dice. It shows up in the Chat as "4d6 precision, precision". If I change the "precision" in the effect line to anything else (I use Sneak) then it calculates it correctly and still says 2d6 precision in the chat. Not sure where that is coded to be doubling, but I have tested it with multiple rogue characters and get the same results. Not sure what I may be doing wrong.
    Is your Sneak attack effect applied in the combat tracker? If so, this will be doubling up with the rogue character effect - see the PC sheet combat tab.
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  8. #308
    Should "weapon specialization" be automatically applied to the character in the CT? I tried removing them and replacing them in the CT and that did not seem to add the DMG bonus effect.
    I had the PC add +2 to the applicable weapons damage value.

  9. #309
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    Quote Originally Posted by webdove View Post
    Should "weapon specialization" be automatically applied to the character in the CT? I tried removing them and replacing them in the CT and that did not seem to add the DMG bonus effect.
    I had the PC add +2 to the applicable weapons damage value.
    See this post: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forum...l=1#post713648

    For existing PCs, edit the class feature to add "char" to the automation (see the post above) in the class feature in the PC charsheet and re-apply the class feature (i.e. drag/drop within the class features) so that the character effect is created, then delete the old class feature.
    Private Messages: My inbox is forever filling up with PMs. Please don't send me PMs unless they are actually private/personal messages. General FG questions should be asked in the forums - don't be afraid, the FG community don't bite and you're giving everyone the chance to respond and learn!

  10. #310
    Quote Originally Posted by Trenloe View Post
    See this post: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forum...l=1#post713648

    For existing PCs, edit the class feature to add "char" to the automation (see the post above) in the class feature in the PC charsheet and re-apply the class feature (i.e. drag/drop within the class features) so that the character effect is created, then delete the old class feature.
    That worked. Thanks.

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