5E Character Create Playlist
  1. #1

    Spell Description

    Okay. I must have broke something playing around with the Spell Module. Not sure what. Hopefully someone can point me in the right direction. Some spells have links in their description to other spells (like Arcane Sight, Greater). Normally, when you click on the link it will open the description to that spell. Now, when I click the link it opens up a "New Spell" sheet like I am adding a new spell. Anyone know what I might have broke?

  2. #2
    Can no one help me? Give me a clue? What is the system looking at when I click a link? I've obviously made it go boom, I just don't know how to fix it.

  3. #3
    Can you provide more information? If you are unsure of what you did its hard to diagnose. It sounds like the links are completely broken thus why it cant find the spell and brings up the new spell entry.

  4. #4
    Here is how you link in a spell:
    <linklist><link type="windowreference" class="spelldesc" recordname="spelldesc.aid@d20 Spells"><i>Aid</i></link></linklist>
    You can put this in any "formattedtext" block.

    If you are trying to link to custom spells, it's more like this:
    <linklist><link type="windowreference" class="spelldesc" recordname="scompdesc.align_fang@Spell Compendium"><i>Align Fang</i></link></linklist>
    The key elements here are the "type", "class", and "recordname".

    Type should always be "windowreference", and class (for spell links) should always be "spelldesc".

    The recordname is dependant on how you've setup your spell database. Basically, it's a path starting one nesting level below "root". So if your spell database looks like:
        <customspells static="true">
          <name type="string">Custom Spells</name>
      <myspells static="true">
    Then your recordname would be "myspells.my_first_spell@Custom Spells"

    Does that make sense?

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