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  1. #1

    Hex Elements for Kingmaker AP (Pathfinder 2e)

    I'm gearing up to run Kingmaker for my group soon, and part of that is trying to come up with ways to track things quickly, at a glance.

    Each hex can have a lot going on--likely more than I have accounted for with this tool. But I've made a quick way to track 6 different toggleable statuses for each hex.

    It looks like this:
    Hex info.jpg

    I realize they might lack an artist's panache, and they could certainly be better aligned in my application, but I'm providing a zip of the png files here for free. If you choose to use them, you will need to drop them onto your hex map and manually re-size them until you get them aligned (roughly, in my case :P)
    Attached Files Attached Files

  2. #2
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    Nice, thanks for sharing

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