1. #1

    Feat to modify Ability score

    Is it possible to code a feat to increase an ability score as in the below, I'm not sure which field to put the code in so I'm being general in my example.

    Extra Strength
    Strength +2

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by KlatuB View Post
    Is it possible to code a feat to increase an ability score as in the below, I'm not sure which field to put the code in so I'm being general in my example.

    Extra Strength
    Strength +2
    You would do it as an effect "STR: +2". don't include the quotation marks. You can deactivate the effect as needed when not using the feat by clicking the green "on" effect button until it shows "off".
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  3. #3
    Originally Posted by Ulric

    You would do it as an effect "STR: +2". don't include the quotation marks. You can deactivate the effect as needed when not using the feat by clicking the green "on" effect button until it shows "off".
    I must be missing something because I put Str: +2 in Benefit, Normal and Special one at a time and the Strength Ability Score didn't increase.

  4. #4
    As far as i know, you can't use effect to directly modify stats on your character sheet. Effects could be used as modifiers on your tests.

  5. #5
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KlatuB View Post
    I must be missing something because I put Str: +2 in Benefit, Normal and Special one at a time and the Strength Ability Score didn't increase.
    You can't put FG effects within the text of a Starfinder feat record. They need to be applied to the actor in the Combat Tracker.

    Some information is available in the Starfinder effects Wiki around approaches to having the effect application in the actions tab of a PC - but they'll still have to apply the effect each time the PC is added to the CT: https://fantasygroundsunity.atlassia...and-Conditions

    Plus, as has been noted above, effects don't change the base stat on the PC sheet, they are applied to relevant rolls.

    You may just want to handle this by manually adjusting the PC strength - maybe use CTRL+mouse-wheel to change the ability and show the modifier via a bubble.
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  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by KlatuB View Post
    I must be missing something because I put Str: +2 in Benefit, Normal and Special one at a time and the Strength Ability Score didn't increase.
    Sorry, I thought you wanted an effect that would adjust the strength modifier not the actual number in the stat box.
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